Aira ; Ugly Feeling.

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I woke up like always. Did my hygiene like always. Got dressed like always. Today I decided to go for the 'just school' look. Wait...that's my look everyday. Today I'm wearing my pink tank top with my white ripped up high way jeans and my all pink air forces. My hair was just ...sitting on my shoulders and I decided to paint up my face as always....just mascara. I'm what u call natural beauty. But enough of that. I walked down stairs to see mum fast asleep on the couch.

"Mum ! Work ?" I said shocked.

"Not today baby it's my day off"

I looked @ my phone and realised it was Wednesday.

"Sorry" i said.

I ran upstairs to get my spare blanket and covered her with it before I left the house. I jumped in my Mini Cooper and headed off to hell. School known to human.

As I was fiddling with the books inside my locker I had the feeling some one was watching me. All that went away when I heard a familiar voice.

"AIRAAAAAA !" Deanne squealed.

"Hi De" I said smiling.

Deanne was some one I could acc call a friend. But to me best friend. She's been with my through thick and thin. People continue to question her being friends with her but she gives them the finger and remains friends with me. I always wondered but never asked. But I do love de I do. She makes me pretty whereas all them other girls just walk all over my pathetic worrisome ass.

"See how u never phoned me yesterday" she pouted.

"I'm sorry , I was doing work and before I knew it I had knocked df out" I said chuckling lightly.

"Well" she said shrugging. "U finna stay round mine tonight ?"

"Sure just gottah ask mummy" I said smiling.

"Mums cool she bound to say---"

*bells ring*

"I guess we will talk about it @ lunch"

"Yea" I semi smiled.

I walks off to 1st period ; english. Fuckin hate this class. It's full with all them snobby popular brats. Gosh. Don't get me wrong I love me some poetry and story making , that's my passion , but being surrounded by people that believe they better than others ? That's just no my scene.

"Today class...we talk"

Half the class sighed and the rest whispered. I mentally rolled my eyes and put loud sighed. Love is such a picky subject. The only love I have is for my mum and Deanne. Loving any one else is just a heartbreaking moment and best believe I've been heart broken before.

"Miss Sanders"

I physically rolled my eyes. That's Lorrel ; she ' the queen ' of this school she thinks she can run whoever all because boys holla.

"Yes sir ?"

"What you think about love ?"

" , that's a bit of a picky subject but I believe love ain't love without any physical contact"

"Of course" I muttered.

"Miss Lawrence ; care to share ?"

I sighed.

"Well isn't all about touching , loving for fucking...excuse my language , man ; people our age don't know what love is they believe it's all about sex but really it's how you feel towards the other person ; not their looks and body but their personality and their heart"


"Mr James ?" Sir said.

I cursed under my breathe. Maurice James. The schools sweet heart. Typical American nigga if u ask me. He's in the Batch. Him , Corey , Nico and Aaron. The orrery boys that girls throw them selfs at. Don't get me wrong none of them are ugly , their all actually very handsome. But they just so cocky. But that's none of my business.

"Nah man, saying I love u all the time is so cliche , making love can show your partner what and how you really feel. Sex and making love are 2 different things you see" he stated.

"Have you ever made love ?" Sir asked.

The whole class chuckled a bit.

"No sir , there ain't no girl out there that's won my love sir"

Sir just smirked.

"Maybe because girls don't wanna be hurt by niggas like you" I spoke honestly

"Really ? That's not what girls tell me ? Its just that they show me their love physically and not mentally why I don't fall in love" he fought back.

"So cliche" I shook my head.

"I see a debar happening" sir said sitting back and watching.

"See Miss Lawrence , you must think life is some Romeo and Juliet fantasy but it ain't , not no one can fall in love that quick"

"Yes Mr James , I know this ; but niggas like you believe that your dick solves all your ' love ' problems" insaid now facing him.

"And girls like you believe niggas r gonna wait all year to get through to get to know you ? Fuck no" he said staring right at me.

"Well u and your boys r dogs any ways , fuck any chick that comes along ; y'all ain't know what love is ; y'all just use sex as it's own love because that's all y'all know y'all wouldn't know love if it slapped u in your face and them some ; it ain't always about dick and pussy meeting up and having tea it's also about how you feel" I said rolling my eyes and facing the front.

Everyone's eyes where on both me and Maurice. I heard him about to say something else when the bells went off.

"That's all for today class"

I left that room so bloody quick. I couldn't hack the unwanted tension and eye staring any longer.


The school day went so quickly. Lunch was a bit awks, every time I walked by people would whisper about what happened in my English class.

"He likes you" De said laughing.

We was in my car driving to the foot court to grab something to eat.

"Whatever ; even if he does I don't like his cocky ass , it's true all him and his boys know about is their penis's and pussy" I said not fazed.

"Girl" de said laughing hard.

Just thinkin about that English class makes my body crawl. A ugly feeling i wanted to forget about . Like i said is a picky subject to talk about with me.

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