Chapter 2- Curiosities and Conflict!!

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Me and Claire went to school together...I was not to believe that moment was really happening!!!

"Hey Jim, I'd like to know more about you!!" She said with a smile on her face.

"I think you should start talking a little about yourself....ladies first!!"

She gave a small laugh. "Alright!!"

POV Claire

Me and Claire went to school together...I was not to believe that moment was really happening!!!

"Hey Jim, I'd like to know more about you!!" She said with a smile on her face.

"I think you should start talking a little about yourself....ladies first !!"

She gave a small laugh. "Alright!!"

"So ... where do I start....I love guacamole, I love my little brother Enrique, I love animals especially cats, I think he's so cute...."

"You're so cute too!!" he said softly, looking passionate.

"What??" I asked because I could not hear what he said.

"I're too cute !!" He said in a voice ashamed and super-colored like a tomato.

I also blushed a bit and started to shake my hair a bit embarrassed. "Thank you!!"

I kept talking about other things about myself, what I enjoyed doing in my spare time, my favorite bands, among other things.

After some time we got to school and went straight to our classrooms, I went to Chemistry class and Jim went to History class. I have to admit that what he said this morning was well liked on his part, my heart even fired!!


I went to History class, wondering why I said in front of Claire that she was cute, she must think I'm an idiot ... oh my god, but I could not contain it, she's so beautiful , her eyes honey color....I will now have to concentrate on the History class because, I do not want to be called to attention!!

I left History class and went to my cacífo, to get the rest of the books that I needed for the next classes I had. When I find that Steve is once again doing his "crazy" but, it was not anyone, it was Claire. Steve was grabbing Claire by the arm and she was trying to get away from him.

When I saw that, I went to Steve.

"Heyy Steve, leave it...!!"

"If not what? Stupid face...are you going to hit me??!" He starts to laugh.

"If I must!!" I said courageously.

Steve leaves Claire and comes to me ready to hit me but, Steve is interrupted by the Physical Education teacher.

"STEVE YOU SHOULD NOT BE IN TRAINING!!" The professor shouted angrily.

"Yes, coach, I'm going right now!!"

"You're done !!" Steve said into my ear.

I went to Claire, still lying on the floor.

"You are fine??" I help her get up.

While she read "Yes I'm fine and thank you for helping me!!" She thanks me with a smile on her face.

We looked at each other for a moment, but it even seemed that the world had stopped at that moment, but we were interrupted by the sound of the school bell.

I decided to put a little "conflict" in this chapter, sorry for not writing anymore!! Yes sometimes I can be a little bad!!😂😂...But I always like a good conflict when it comes to defending the person you love!!❤️❤️ 

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter!!😉😉❤️ 

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