Chapter One

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Mermaid sisters

episode 1

----2 YEARS AGO!----

laura:why are we going to this island anyways

kitty:because i heard it has a great view when the moon gets to the

right place in the sky

laura:when why are we going today couldnt we go tomorrow?

kitty:no we had to go today because they say its only on a full moon

laura:okay weird

kitty:*laughs* i know

*they step on something and fall into a cave with a pond in*

laura:WOW!!! *shocked*

kitty:this is amazing!

laura:oh look a pond *points to the pond*

kitty:oh cool

*full moon goes over the pond and the pond starts to get weird*

laura:whats going on? *frecked out*

kitty:i dont know!

*water comes out of the pond and drags them in*

*laura,kitty screams and then they come up for air*

kitty:*shocked* l-l-laura


kitty:l-look we have tails

laura:*shocked* no way this made us turn into mermaids

kitty:*smiles* yes were mermaid sister

laura: *smiles* i like that

*they hug*

kitty:lets go home

laura:yeah lets swim home *giggles*

kitty:*laughs also* yeah come on

*they leave*

------2 YEARS LATER-----

kitty:so what are we doing today?

laura:i have an audtion for this new show

kitty:cool what one?

laura:austin and ally

kitty:oh cool witch one are you casting for again?


kitty:oh yeah i forgot *laughs* don't forget to come to the island


laura:okay i wount forget i'll be there as soon as i can okay *smiles*

kitty:okay i can trust you

laura:anyways i have to go bye


*laura leaves*

*with laura*

tea*person that works at the front desk*:hey how may i help you?

laura:hey im here for an audtion

tea:okay what audtion?

laura:austin and ally

tea:okay *looks on computer* here it is room 103

laura:okay thanks im laura by the way

tea:im tea

laura:cool name


georgia:*walks in* hey tea whos your friend?

tea:this is laura


georgia:hey your audtioning for the role of ally right?

laura:yea why?

georgia:because the director wants you now

laura:oh shoot okay thanks we should hang out some time *smiles* how

about next friday?

tea,georgia:yeah okay

laura:okay bye *leaves*

georgia:she was nice


*with kitty*

---kitty's p.o.v---

i can't belive there is a full moon tonight and we have to go to the

island witch i still don't think is a good idea but i'll try and leave

before the moon is up.I still can't belive that me and laura are

mermaids and it has been 2 years wow! anyways i hope laura gets here


---end of p.o.v---

*with laura*

stefen(diector):hello im stefen the diector and you are?

laura:im laura

stefen:okay laura its nice to meet you today you will be audtioning

with one of the other audtioners that went for the part of austin

*yells* ROSS!!!

*ross pops his head through the door*

ross:yes stefen?

stefen:you'll be audtioning with laura here

*ross looks at laura and smile*

laura:*smiles back*


stefen:you may began

ross:austin:hey ally

laura:ally:hey austin,want to work on a song later?

ross:austin:yeah okay i'll go up to the practice room

laura:ally:okay i'll be up soon

stefen:okay you can stop now the next thing i want to ask is can you



stefen:okay you can sing this together then

*they sing can't say away by IM5 ft. Bella Throne*

stefen:that was amazing


stefen:okaay so you can go now i'll call you soon

lauar/ross:okay bye

*they leave*

Yes I know, my writing back then was shout!


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