Chapter Two:Unexpected Double Date

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*David's P.O.V.*

  Finally taking a seat at a table outside, near one of the windows Alex and I begin to eat.

"Do you have footage for Wednesday's vlog?"

Aww, he's worried about whether or not I get enough footage.

"Y-yeah. So did you want to just have a movie night. I'm pretty sure Dom isn't coming home tonight."

Please say yes, please say yes.

Crossing my fingers and sending a quick prayer up to the skies for Alex to say yes.

"Yes, I'd love too."


With a really big smile on my face, I asked if he wanted to do scary and funny, or action and paranormal.

"How about, we do funny and action?" Alex suggested with a shy smile upon his face.

"Aww, are you afraid to watch something scary for tonight?" As much as I was teasing, that was actually really cute and would give me the perfect opportunity to start my game plan of having Alex like me back.

"Shut up!" Alex yelled, throwing am unused napkin at me. I laugh at his attempt to hurt me. I hear Alex mumble 'fucker' under his breath which only caused me to laugh more. My eyes turned into slits of joy and happiness. "You're lucky you have a cute smile, even for a jackass." With a crinkle of my nose I reply with a simple 'thank you'.

"You're very welcome." Alex replies, smiling at me with a hint of something in his eyes that I couldn't quite place. Just as I was about to ask how him and Dom and been treating the apartment, I was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and see Elton, and a short man with a man-bun in his hair,known as non other than Corey Scherer. As I continue staring I looked down at their hands to see they were intertwined. Hmm?

"Elton!" I exclaim very excited as I haven't seen it hung out with him in like a month.

"David!" He exclaimed back in a mocking tone before laughing near the end. I heard a small giggle from behind him and myself. 

Alex and Corey laughed as I blushed at the thought of hearing Alex's laugh, yet alone his giggl!

"OMG! We should totally hang out. Like right now. OMG! Please Elton?" Corey tugged at the him of Eltons shirt as he requested to hang out with us.

"Of course. Only if you guys are up for it though." Elton gave us a questioning look as if asking so with his mocha, brown eyes.

I look back at Alex. He smiles and nods his head slightly saying 'yeah' to hanging out. I smile back at him quickly before turning around to Elton and Corey and saying, "We can hang out right now , sure. Just let me go get a bag for Alex and I's food and well meet you guys at the door after we finish. Deal?"

"Deal." Corey and Elton say at the same time, cute. They slowly walk to the door seeming to be in a now deep conversation.

I turn back to Alex to see him already looking my way. I smile at him before going to the cash register to politely ask for a bag.

As I'm walking up there I feel a pair of eyes trained on my back as I'm walking. I don't even have to turn around to know that it was Alex. Now gaining a bright smile to my face I walk up to the cashier to see a boy about my age at the register now.

"Hi," I start before going to proceed asking he responded back.

"Hey cutie." He winked whilst saying this. I began to feel heat rushing to my face as he referred to me as 'cutie' as well as winking.

This blush was not out of embarrassment, but more of annoyance.


With a sigh, clearly showing my emotions towards the situation, I simply ask for a takeout bag. Apparently he didn't understand my emotion sigh as he continued to hit on me.

"Anything for you, princess." He smirked at me and reached over to the paper bags to get me one.


At hearing this, I look behind me to where Alex is sitting. He was clearly watching this situation unroll as I could see his clenched fist.

I nudged my head for him to come over to me. Hastily he gets up and trudges over to me, setting a death glare upon the cashier.

I quickly grasp Alex's hand, placing them on the counter with enough force for the guy to notice. He glanced down at our hands and his face faltered for a second before his douche smile came back to his slightly chapped lips.

Alex must have noticed this too because he gripped my hand a little.

"Princess, who's this bitch?" His face hardened as he looked at Alex with disgust.


My eyebrows drew in as I began to become angry.

"The only bitch I see is you. I don't know who the fuck you think you are calling my boyfriend a bitch when you're over here hitting on a guy who couldn't give two shits about you. And F.Y.I I'm not your princess and don't want to be you pussy ass bitch." With that I snatch the bag out of his hand, going over to our table and putting our burgers in the bag grabbing my keys and walking out with Alex on my trail.

"Woah, oh my gosh. Okay why is he extremely mad right now?" Corey questing as we made our way out of the restaurant.

"The cashier decided to be a dick, and called Alex a bitch so I got really defensive and told him off." I summarized as we started to walk to our cars that just so happened to be right beside each other. How did I not notice that? Oh well.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we made it to the vehicles . "Well me and Corey were thinking about going to the peer, maybe?" Elton suggested and it couldn't have been a better suggestion. Excitement now fueled my bones and rushed through my veins as I immediately nodded my head yes.

"OMG, yes I could go for a beach day and wash away the memories of that salty as bitch behind the register." Alex laughed at my joke as he began to get into the passenger side of my Tesla.

"Okay meet there in an hour then so we can get trunks and the what nots of that."
With a nod of confirmation from me, we all get into our vehicle's and drive out of the parking lot.


David huffs as he sets onto the road to home. I can't believe he stood up for me. It was so sweet, maybe he really does like me back. I smile as I think of that.

"What are you smiling about?" David says as he glanced at me through his peripherals, before returning his eyes to the road.

"Well, you completely went of on that guy to stick up for me. You held my hand. You called me your boyfriend. You kissed me before we got out of the car. On the neck may I add. You held me until we got to the store. So I don't know why I'm smiling, could you think of something for me to smile about?" Sarcasm dripped from my words as I spoke my smiles growing bigger by the second as I relapsed the events of today.

"You forgot to mention the part about the beach day we're having."

"Oh. How could I forget such a thing." I ask with a fake gasp dramatically, my improv skills coming in handy. From beside me, I heard an eruption of laughs coming from David which put me in a fit of my own.

His laugh is beautiful, it's just adding on to the things I love about him. Next to the fact that he's such a sweetheart always willing to help someone out even in his hard times. He truly is amazing.

A sniffle knocks me out of my thoughts. OMG! Is he crying? What's wrong! What happened? With a look of pure panic and concern I look at David to see a large goofy smile on his face. Along with the smile there are small crystal clear tears crawling down his now puffy, red cheeks.

"David, why are you crying? Yet smiling at the same time. Are you okay?" I said the statement with confusion seeping through, causing me to speak slower. I reach over and grab Davids thigh squeezing it reassuringly.

"I couldn't be better, Alex."

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