Chapter One: Hi there...

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For the first part I have a totally normal life and no reason to suspect otherwise. I have an overworked dad and a mother who believes that she's the only one who participates in cleaning the house; yet I'm always vacuum cleaning and washing dishes, but alright. I have a brother who is very much hetero and a sister who I like but would never tell her that (this isn't love, Simon). Then there's the cliché teen gay; confused, brain dead and obsessive over the good looking boys. then there's my friends, we always joke about terrible memes or the absolutely great Banta from the night before on the Instagram group chat, oh and we binge on way too much Starbucks which is genuinely unhealthy and go shopping for no actual purpose except the thrill of spending money we inherited from our birthdays.

I'm not closeted, to my friends at least, but only five or six people know so this whole Gay thing is quite a big deal for me. And on top of the already stressful situation that I have going on there's GCSEs to add to the already unpleasant list. Did I mention that there are now rumours about me liking somebody, like-liking somebody. I don't remember telling anyone who I liked, in fact I haven't told anyone; but the rumours are true...

My phone began to vibrate shaking me to consciousness, the feeling of my phone having a seizure underneath my pillow was far too much for me on a Monday morning. Wait. It's a Monday morning, my phone is ringing and I'm still asleep. Oh god, I'm late. I pulled my phone from underneath my pillow and answered, It was Holly (the bestfriend) :

"Dude, where are you, me and Jack (the straight male bestfriend) have been waiting for you to come get us for like five minutes, if you come now then we'll still have time to get Lilly (the cute, popular, well known bestfriend) but it's a big miss for a McDonald's breakfast. Look what you've done." I began to chuckle at her sarcasm but then realised that I actually had to get ready, I kept my phone at my ear using my shoulder to press my phone against the side of my head but stumbled as I hopped to get into my jeans, I wasn't intending to change my shirt, a deodorant shower should be fine. I finally got to the stage of putting socks on when I could give an actual response to Holly:

"Okay, I'll be right there." I said panting at the sole purpose of moving.

"You sure, you sound as though you've literally just woke up."

"That may or may not be the case, but I'm coming don't worry, I just need to put my shoes on." It took a further forty-seven seconds to go downstairs, get my shoes on and say "I'll see you there." To Holly and hanging up. I power walked into the kitchen and realised I have literally been left by my family. Anyways there is no time for breakfast, I must go. I sprinted towards the door and swung it open, locking it behind myself.

I sprinted towards my red Ford Mondeo and jumped straight into the driver's seat, before reversing out of the driveway i checked the time, it read *08:47* there was literally 13 minutes before school started and I live nine minutes away, not to mention how much time will be wasted to constantly stop the car and pick my friends up. I pulled away from the drive and began accelerating down the street. I finally met my first destination and threw my brakes down stopping for Holly and Jack to get into the car, They wasted no time in the world to get in the car right after I screamed "GET IN THIS CAR RIGHT NOW!" after they both got into the car, securely fastened their seatbelts and stopped moving I sped down the street making my way to Lilly, it is so much easier that she lives on the way to school because it means that I don't hav- WE'RE HERE!

Lilly opened her door followed by her mother who stood waving there waving as she ran to the car, she must've been staring out the window waiting for us because no one told her that we were on our way, yikes. Lilly got into the back with Jack, made deep eye contact, smiled and said "Hi", young love, am I right? I took the handbrake off and virtually teleported to school as when we finally parked and made our way to the entrance there was seventeen seconds to spare, more than enough time to sprint to our form rooms.

We finally departed but somehow I seemed to have missed one of the only things that was keeping me awake, I need to bathroom, of course this would happen, it's just my luck. I finally got into the bathroom and spared you the very basic details of how to go to the toilet. After I finished I waltzed over to the sink where in lovely big, black permanent marker the words "ETHAN LOVES JAYDEN". Just what I need, to be basically late to school, now this absolute piece of ass. I decided to leave it there, as to be honest it's not exactly a lie and it will just give the assholes the satisfaction of winning.

Time passed, about four hours? Anyways it was hotter and Lunchtime. This was finally the first time I had sat with all of my friends and had lunch so in a way I'm thankful for school. Oh great here comes Jayden, is it getting hot in here or is it just me? Oh wait this is a story! Anyways...

"Hi, Ethan? Can I please talk to you alone?" Oh god this is it, he's gonna tell me he isn't interested, help me.

"Sure, where?" I was incredibly close to crying, this is uncomfortable.

"Just somewhere alone so no one can hear."

This was it, I could feel all the emotions of a sexually frustrated teenager, merge into one, fear. He took me into a corridor where he began to talk. "So I've recently seen all the messages left around school about you liking me or something, is it true?" Oh god, I could feel every individual pore in my hands open up and release all the sweat my body could carry. Time to think fast.

"No, a rumour is just a rumour." Safe?

"Oh ok that's fine, but I really wouldn't be bothered if it was true, I quite like the fact that someone is giving me attention." Wow, really that's rich coming from literally one of the most respected people in the school.

"Ha yeah, Is that all?" I know that this is a wasted opportunity but I'm not ready to open up to the entire school.

"Actually yes, would you mind helping me with my maths homework on Thursday night? I noticed that you're pretty good at it." This is definitely a game he's trying to play because he beat everyone on the maths test, about four-ish weeks ago, except I got the same score as him. But let's take this chance.

"Eh, yeah I should be free then. What time so I can put it in my calendar?"

"Let's say I come over at seven? And you decide when to kick me out, the homework is like nine pages long, remember Mrs. Winters set this homework so don't expect anything less." His face lit up with a smile as he thought he was actually funny, I guess he was, in a cute stupid way.

"Sure that can work, I'll see you then, I'll Snapchat you later and give you the details."

"Ok, I'll see you Thursday then." And with that he nodded his head and left to sit with his friends again, likewise for me, this was definitely a memory worth keeping. I can't tell the friends because they don't know so I guess I'm going to have to be the ultimate gay, arrange an evening where we come to my house when the parents and siblings aren't in and talk about our problems over a game of cards and some type of alcohol, to really set the atmosphere.

I left the corridor and made my way over to the vacant table currently only holding three of the best people in the word, my bestfriends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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