75. 'I've got this Feeling inside My Bones...

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... - it goes Electric wavey when I turn it on!' :D

Lol, those 'Can't stop the feeling' lyrics are Perfect for such an Energy Overload I'm having today! :) ( on July 6th 2018 )

*It started in the Morning:

- My Energy woke me up Tickling My Ribs, It kept me Super Happy & Laughing for Most of the Day ( - & at the moment it's Tickling My Tummy :D - & I felt a small electric shock as if I touched a prank buzzer when I was typing - & I just touched My Computer Keyboard with My Thumb! XD ⚡ )

*It also started Tickling My Neck! :D

( - I'm Laughing! XD )

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