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"This is ridiculous.." Sam sighs as the fire alarms start blaring through the school. Sam gathered her things and shoved them in her black Jansport book bag. She slung it over her shoulder and walked outside where everyone else was following.


It had been hours now since the high school sat outside. The school has assigned 'safety buddies' and her 'buddy' was a guy named Ethan. He was popular and Sam had partied with him before but she didn't know him personally.

Sam has earbuds in and sat on her phone, "no fucking signal, wonderful." She lays on the grass.

"I don't have service either." Ethan said and showed Sam his phone. Sam shrugged and continued to listen to music.

"I'm out of here this is so dumb." Sam grabbed her stuff and stands up. She stretches her arms and leans her back, back.

"No we have to stay together." Ethan said and pushed himself up.

"We have to stay together if we are at school, but you see, I'm leaving school." Sam smiled and started to walk away. No one was paying attention and school hours were over but people still stood in place.

Ethan runs up to her. "Just lets stay together."

Sam closed her eyes and nods. "Fine, the only reason I'm doing this is because I know you won't let me go if I say no."

Ethan laughed, "you're right about that."


Eventually Sam got to her house and Ethan still continued to follow.

"Ok you can go home now.." Sam looked at Ethan as he stood in the door way of her house.

Ethan was on his phone not paying attention or he was ignoring her.

"Whatever... mom? Dad?" She yelled and no one answered. Sam walked to the window and peeled out of the curtains. She saw both of their cars are at her house, sitting in the driveway.

"Hmm.." she looked around. Ethan looked up from his phone now.

"Is everything ok?" Ethan said and shut the door from behind him to her house now.

"Yeah it's just my parents.." Sam said and started walking to her kitchen. Once she walked in, she saw glass spilled on the floor and she hissed as soon as she stepped on a piece.

"What the hell.." she whispered and Ethan looked at her foot.

"What happened?"

"I stepped on glass but that's not the point right now.. why is there glass spilled?" Sam questioned and started to feel worried. Sam decided to walk upstairs. Ethan followed.

There were sprinkles on blood on their now, not perfect white carpet. She followed it to their parents room.

The door was creeped open and sound came from their room. They were cracking and groaning like.

Sam looked back at Ethan with an worried expression. Ethan shrugged and Sam sighed. She slowly limped to their room and opened their door.

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