One day in France, a little boy named Pascale had a red balloon. The red balloon would follow Pascale everywhere. One day Pascale was going to get on the trolley, but nobody would let him on because his balloon was too big. Instead of letting go of his balloon, Pascale ran to his school. Pascale made his balloon stay outside, but it kept following a man til Pascale got done with school that day. When Pascale got home, his mother would not let the balloon stay in the house, so she let go of the balloon outside. The next day, Pascale saw a girl with a blue balloon. At school, a gang of boys tried to steal Pascale's balloon, but Pascale ran til he couldn't any longer. The boys eventually caught the balloon and Pascale found the balloon and the boys. The boys popped his balloon. Everyone's balloons came to Pascale and he flew away.
The Red Balloon
Short StoryA story about a boy that has adventures with a red balloon.