15- You have a message!

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jih00nsfine has added you to a conversation!

jih00nsfine- so heres all the members!

jih00nsfine- go ahead and name them normally, they're all practicing but im just chilling at the cooler

hoshisiconic- is this all the members?!


hoshisiconic- why add me?

jih00nsfine- if you become a member you'll need to be here anyways

jih00nsfine- also we dont give out our phone numbers


jih00nsfine- so this is the second best

hoshisiconic- woah i feel honored

hoshisiconic- thanks!

mingyuu- whom

mingyuu- jihoon stop texting your boyfriend and get back to work

jih00nsfine- okay!

jih00nsfine- bye boyfriend ;))

hoshisiconic- you know everyone will see this conversation

jih00nsfine- thats the point, love

hoshisiconic- we aren't even dating

hoshisiconic- what is this-

as you can tell i changed the name of the book. i liked the irony so hAH


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