the next exbadition

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Little warning this chapter contains major spoilers so you have been warned

Y/n pov

It's been a few days now,and we're preparing for an exbadition. So every one's pretty busy,as am I, this is my first one!, and thanks to the magic of modern medicine and me being pretty skilled in the medical and science departments,we're more prepared then they've ever been!

I'm so glad I took those classes in school about medicine, science and all that.

"Well we're all set to head out tomorrow" Levi said pulling me close

"Yeah I'm kinda nervous expeshaly for you...." I trailed off

"Why?" He asked

"Well in the show , during this expbadition , a female titan attacks. Killing your team with the exception of you and eren" I said,my throat going dry.
"Well" Levi starts looking down at me"with you their; already knowing her every move,theirs no way that could happen"
I nodded,he was right I so stupid "wait Levi!" He looks at me "I just realized since she's a titan shifter we could just lock her down!" Quickly Levi responds "who is the shifter?"

Spoilers if you haven't gotten their yet

"Annie leoheart" I reply


And that's all for now folks! I feel horrible about not updating this!! I'm so so soooo sorry for not putting out more updates!

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