Chapter 5

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"What should be the challenge be?" Chrysalis asked herself. "I know." She chuckled for a moment. "Let's play a game. You will have two weeks to prepare for the Survival Games. I will also be bringing you challengers. I already some ideas on who the challengers are going to be. I will be back with your challengers momentarily."
* back in Ponyville*
"I'm back." Fluttershy said as she walked into the throne room only to see all of her friends gone. "Where is everypony?" She looked all over the castle but she couldn't find her friends. She began to panic. Not noticing the pony shaped figure hiding in the shadows. Suddenly, out of the shadows, Queen Chrysalis jumped and grabbed Fluttershy and she teleported back to her castle. She placed Fluttershy with her friends inside a hidden room.
*Fluttershy's and Discords castle*
"Shouldn't Fluttershy be back by now?" Discord asked himself.
"She should but she isn't going to be here for a while. If you want to change that and see her again you can come with me and compete in the challenge. The mane 6 is already there that would include your dear Fluttershy. So what will it be Discord?" Chrysalis said.
"Alright, I accept." Discord replied.
"We are going to my new hive." Chrysalis said.

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