Way Down South 2

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I apologize beforehand for the language, but it needed to be done. Opps. Sorry.


I was doodling pictures of Areion in my notebook during Trigonometry when I noticed the poor chump across from me being picked on. I’m a loner, I guess, and I just ignore everyone else, so I wasn’t surprised by the fact that his name drew a blank. I knew he wasn’t new, because if he wasn’t then they would openly stare at him, not taunt or tease him. The jockstrap that was bullying him, though, I knew all too well. Brian Hunter, the big cheese on campus, and a complete douche. Even someone as indifferent socially as me knew who he was, and that’s saying something. Most people were smart enough to steer clear of him, but it seems that the kid he’s currently poking fun at wasn’t, the poor shmuck.

I tried to ignore it; interacting with other people isn’t my kind of thing, but once I saw Brian hit the kid upside the head, all shots were off. I sat up straight, looking directly at them for the first time. The teacher, Ms. Daily, glanced at me, surprised by my attention, and took in the situation. She was a tiny slip of a lady, and I knew that if she confronted the ass, they would eat her alive. I looked her in the eye when she looked back at me in desperation and nodded slightly, telling her silently that I would interfere.

“Hey, Hunter, lay off, will ya?” I called out to him from the back of the class, making a few people openly gape at me in shock. The douche paused, turning slowly to look at me. I met his brown eyes head on, hardening my own gaze to make it as steely as possible. See, Charlie, you just have to assert your dominance like when breaking in a horse, easy-peasy.

“You talking to me, horse-freak?” he asked tauntingly, probably assuming that I would back down with the use of my nickname, which just oozed creativity, right? Sure, I lived in a barn with horses, most of my friends were horses, and I work with horses for a living. So the best they came up with was horse-freak. Yeah, well, game on you ass-wipe.  You just challenged the wrong girl.

“Yes, in fact, I am speaking to you. And I’ll ask you once more, lay off, will ya?” I asked, smirking slightly. I felt the old Charlie coming back, the one I left behind when I’m not around horses. The one I used to openly be, before coming here. He blinked, surprised, before laughing heartily. The whole class was dead silent, watching our exchange with bated breath.

“Why should I? Are you going to make me leave poor Arthur alone, huh, horse-freak? Why don’t you go run along and scoop up some more horse manure?” he taunted, slapping Arthur’s cheek lightly, who was staring intently at his Nike’s behind thick-rimmed glasses. I wasn’t fazed by his jab, since I knew that what he said was true. I’m a stable hand. Scooping horse shit is what I do for a living. End of story.

“Why yes, I will make you leave him alone.” I told him lowly, rising slowly from my seat. I was tall- almost freakishly so- so I know I’m intimidating when I reach full height. I was just about half an inch shorter than Hunter himself, who was about 6 foot. I was also very strong from being around horses all day. You can’t have noodle-arms when muscling half-ton animals for a living. Brian stood up sharply at my challenge, his brown eyes on fire. I kept my face composed save for the smirk, which I couldn’t remove for the life of me. This was just too much fun.

“You know, you’ve got a lot of guts for not having an army, horse-freak. I may just have to teach you a lesson on how to respect those who are better than you,” he growled, taking a threatening step at me. I stayed where I was, holding my ground, and braced myself for the impending punch. But it never came. Instead, Arthur was standing, Hunter’s fist caught firmly in his grasp.

“You don’t hit girls, Hunter,” He nearly whispered, but with the silent classroom you could hear him. Hunter snorted, yanking his hand out of Arthur’s, and shoved the poor kid back in his seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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