Author's note

927 43 16

Welcome to the end of this fanfiction. Hope you enjoyed it uwu

So anyway, you're probably wondering why I named this fanfic 'xenon tetrafluoride'. This author's note will try and answer this question and give context and a lil background info.

In the description, I wrote a bit of basic info about fluorine and xenon, and if you have forgotten it, I suggest you go and read it.

(The pic of XF4 is above btw)

Basically what happened was:
I was in chem class and the teacher was talking about noble gases and how they rarely react with anything cos they have a full outer shell of electrons. But then she mentioned that scientists have been able to make some react, and the first substance to ever be a product of a noble gas combining with something was xenon tetrafluoride. So then my pOEtIc AsS thought 'how romantic' and wrote it down.

I forgot about it afterwards but then during my chem final exam, I had finished early and suddenly remembered the title that I had gotten from that one chem class. I ended up writing the plot to this fanfic, on a calculator. I think it's still on it lol. I knew that I wanted to write a royalty AU cos honestly they're so underrated it hurts. It wasn't meant to be a Minsung fanfic at first, but then i realised 'damn Minho would make a good prince' so it built from there.

You'll notice that in some parts of this fanfic, specifically the introduction and the dance party chapter, I specify colours of Jisung's aura and the clothes that they wore. The colours were intentionally chosen and not just chosen randomly. It was to make it clearer who was the 'xenon' and who was the 'fluorine'. See this is what I mean by me being a pOEtIc AsS.

After the exams, I started to research some more about xenon tetrafluoride cos I had nothing better to do. I didn't get much other info tbh (but the picture above). But yeah that's pretty much how this fanfic came to be.

That's it for now. I have plans for a changlix fanfic at some point, so look forward to that. It's gonna be a soulmate AU, that's all I'm telling ;)

Have a good day :)

Edit (15/7/18):

Edit 2 (29/9/18):
Holy crap we're nearly at 2.5k reads damnnnn thank you uwu
PS: lmaoooo I still haven't gotten around to that changlix ff but hey im nearly done with a Woochan one so yeah

Edit 3 (30/9/18):
Here dat woochan ff:

Edit 4 (7/11/18): 


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