To be Honest, i thought this season is just ok :/ (at first i thought it was overhyped, but it's really not, kinda agree though, it was pretty just ok)
-Ziggy x Dr.K
-Summer x dillon
-I liked how they added a darker tone to this season, changing the regular bounderies from the other seasons (if that made any sense)
-"Those are not spandax"- Dr.K (lol)
-Ziggy in general
-the main cast were a bit bland :/
Overall: 3.5/5 it was good, but not as good as other seasons (in my opinion)
(Now: 4/5)
Rating Power Ranger series
SonstigesThis is just basically my thoughts on Power Rangers in 1 book. I didn't see a "rating power rangers series" on here but plenty of anime ratings so i thought it might be a little fun (well for me at least) to create a list expressing my feeling/thoug...