Chapter 2

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I'm sorry if you think that this story is moving too slowly but after this chapter, the story should move a bit more quickly. Please leave a review if you feel like it.


Chapter 2

You were sitting at a kitchen table. You looked around and all you saw were the smiling faces of your family. Your father to your right. Your mother to your left. And your brother straight across from you. "Go fetch some more tea," your father said. You nodded your head, got up, and went to the kitchen. All of a sudden there was a clatter from the other room. You turned around and saw your father being suspended in the air by magic. Instinctually, you hid in the closest cupboard and watched in terror as a dark figure entered the room and your father screamed.

"HELP ME!" someone screamed.

Vayne leapt out of bed. She threw open the wardrobe and hastily put on her suit and placed her hair in a ponytail. She ran down the hall and into the living room, grabbing her boots up off the floor.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!" the voice screamed again.

Vayne was about to go look for the danger when she hesitated. She looked back over her shoulder and saw exactly what she needed. She walked over and grabbed her favorite weapon. The crossbow. She slung the weapon across her back and left her house.

Vayne ran into the street, looking around desperately for the source of distress. She saw the leg of someone getting dragged into an alleyway. Vayne ran down the street and turned into the alley of which the victim disappeared.

Vayne froze. A woman was being suspended in the air with magic. A dark figure stood nearby. It was like a switch was pushed in her head. Vayne had an unsettling feeling in her stomach as the figure turned towards her. It too recognized the situation and beamed an evil grin.

"You," Vayne growled. "You killed my entire family." Vayne drew her crossbow. "And I won't let you do the same to her."

The dark witch dropped the woman and turned its attention towards Vayne. It swung its hand into the air and fired a bolt of purple energy towards Vayne. Vayne tumbled out of the way and fired a super powered shot into the witches shoulder, launching her backwards and pinning her against the wall.

Vayne fired two more shots at the witch before it ripped the arrow from its shoulder and reached its arm out at Vayne. All of a sudden, Vayne's crossbow was thrown from her hands and she was lifted up into the air paralyzed.

Vayne couldn't move and was being suffocated. The witch moved in close and stared straight into Vayne's eyes, directly into her soul. All of a sudden, the witch let out a scream and Vayne was released from her grasp. The witch wriggled about, frantically trying to grab something on her back.

Vayne looked up and the woman she came to save was standing against the opposite wall. Vayne noticed a shiny object sticking out of the witch's back and leapt at the opportunity. The hunter wrenched the object out of the witch's back and continually stabbed it into the witch. The witch eventually stopped moving and lay dead on the ground. Its body turned into a black mist and dissipated into the ground.

Vayne looked down at the metal object in her hand. It was a fork. Vayne walked over to the woman who had been attacked.

"Are you alright?" Vayne asked.

The woman simply nodded in response. Vayne picked up her crossbow, wrapped her arm around the woman, and guided her back to Vayne's house. Vayne placed the fork and crossbow on the table and laid the woman in her bedroom. Vayne returned to the living room, picked up the fork, and examined it.

"Silver," Vayne said to herself. She went into the kitchen and opened up the silverware drawer. She grabbed all but 2 of everything and went out back. She lit a fire and placed all the silverware in a basin above the fire. As it all melted down, Vayne grabbed every arrow she owned and returned to the molten metal. One-by-one, Vayne dipped the tip of each arrow so that it was coated in silver.

By the time that process was finished, the sun was starting to rise. Vayne went inside and woke up the woman. She cooked them both breakfast before grabbing up her crossbow and taking the woman to the one person she knew would help.

The door opened and Luxanna stood there in a nightgown. Confusion washed over the mage's face.

"What are you doing here?" Lux asked in a tired and concerned first.

"This woman was attacked last night," Vayne started. "I heard her screams and attempted to intervene."

Lux noticed the grave look on Vayne's face and knew that the front door was not a place to hold this conversation.

Vayne accepted Lux's invitation into the house and waited in the living room with the woman while Lux got dressed. When Lux returned Vayne retreated to the parlor so that the woman could tell Lux about the events in privacy.

After about 20 minutes of waiting and pacing, there was a knock on the door. Lux and the woman went to the door and Lux opened it. Three guards were at the door and the woman left with them. Vayne only assumed it was either to the woman's house or to the inn.

"So what happened with you?" Lux asked as she shut the door. "And don't tell me that you just fought off a witch. I can tell by your demeanor that that wasn't just some witch."

"You want the long version or the short version?" Vayne asked in response.

"Well before you tell me the long version, you look good with that crossbow," Lux replied.

Vayne just smirked and followed Lux into the living room.

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