Library - One Shot

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The party was in full swing.  You’d arrived, reluctantly, with a few of your girlfriends after they’d begged you to come along.


‘But that creep James will be there,’ you’d protested. 

James had been bugging you for weeks to go out with him and it seemed he couldn’t, or wouldn’t, take the hint.

‘They’ll be loads of other girls there, he probably won’t even notice you,’ one of your friends said.

‘Highly unlikely,’ you replied dryly.

‘Look, we won’t leave you, promise!  It’ll be fine,’ they cajoled.

‘Fine,’ you had said, rolling your eyes.


Now here you were, and you swore within fifteen minutes you’d been left alone as your friends had all managed to find themselves an eligible man to mingle with.  Great, just fucking great.

You decided to get a drink, and a good one at that, so you made your way over to the bar.  You ordered a shot and a Bailey’s on ice.  It wouldn’t get you completely drunk, but it would go down nicely.  You downed the shot and took a large sip of your Baileys.

‘You look like you needed that,’ a deep English accent suddenly said, next to you.

‘Yep,’ you said, emphasising the ‘p’ and without looking at the man.

‘I’m Tom, by the way,’ he continued.

‘Yeah, look, I’m happy for you but…’ you began as you finally turned your attention to focus on him, ready to kick him to the curb…and you met his stare, and those eyes…those gorgeous blue eyes.

‘Fuck,’ you thought.  You could literally drown in them.

‘I don’t believe you told me your name,’ Tom asked.

‘I don’t believe I gave it,’ you bristled.

Tom’s smile faded a bit and you actually felt slightly guilty.  You being dragged here was not his fault.

‘Sorry,’ you apologised.  ‘It’s just…’ you began and launched into your story.  Tom listened intently, and you found yourself opening up to him with less reluctance.

‘Well have you seen him yet?’ Tom asked after you’d finished.

‘Actually no,’ you answered, giving the room a quick cursory glance.  ‘Maybe I’m off the hook!’ you managed to laugh a little.

‘No, no, I can see her over by the bar!’ you heard a voice behind you in the distance.  Your eyes widened.

 ‘Oh shit!  It’s him!’ you whispered to Tom.

You knew it was too late to run and hide, what the fuck were you going to do?

‘Reagan!’ James’ voice was getting closer.

You closed your eyes and groaned.

‘Reagan, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!’ he continued to shout.

Closer, closer.

‘Do you trust me?’ Tom suddenly whispered.

‘What?’ you opened your eyes.

Library - One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now