I'm Henry Lion. A former Sergeant in the US Marine Division. I've been trained to work in the business for a huge while and I've had it drilled in my mind like the constant whistles in boot camp. However, I would've been a former Sergeant for longer, so I would've watched the daylight go by with my baby girl.
I really do miss my girl. Having been suffering with some anxiety, a simple father like me didn't want anything to really do with such a situation where I was drafted into guarding landmarks. I didn't want my girl to be left alone with a babysitter; simply wanted her to be in my arms; safe from the grasps of kaijus. Unfortunately, I see why the military would want me to volunteer in such an important task almost immediately. I was a baffled veteran sergeant when I saw that horrible attack live on television.
It was that event from, I believe, 2014: Honolulu, Hawaii; something documented as the MUTO was found in contact with another MUTO. Believe the documents called the giant lizard one "Godzilla". He was a "King of the Monsters" according to many after that. A few days later, Godzilla killed two of the MUTOs; indeed, two, there was two of those things. One, the winged one had an affection for another, the mother one, so I'd imagine it was just a team-up. Godzilla did kill them, but Brody was given a higher achievement because he and his squadron blew up a nest of MUTO eggs.
It was a lot to take in. Especially in the span of a few days. Over those few days all I could do was hold my little girl's hand tightly before going to sleep. I had to re-assure her with a promise that it was okay: that these monsters won't get her. Nowadays, we're actually in a bit of a hurry to see if those guys will even return.
But I hoped my promise with my baby girl will still stand.I was called up by the captain of the outpost, it was this huge base near the Golden Gate Bridge, spanning many, many meters but usually taken up by thirty or so tents. Half of them were supplies while the other half housed five of our troops. Captain Brody, yes, the Brody, told me that we needed to stand on our toes; after some talk with a fellow Monarch agent, he had this to tell us all:
"We have found another lack of abnormalities involving the infrared radars we have at-hand. However, as followed from the other five years," he flipped through documents, eyes darting around for their details for a solid minute before awkwardly continuing, "we haven't even seen the presence of other monster. All of the bases nearing the oceans have confirmed but of course we only have one we're looking for. Godzilla; but his presence's a phantom. All instances have left to nothing but former shelters of his. We're still researching that, however, I do agree that we stay on our toes and scout for anything else."The rest of the speech was information which revolved around updates on the other base's status. We were both at the ends of the Golden Gate to escort anyone in case of an emergency more efficiently. In that case we could also provide protection. While giant monsters from those movies may now become a reality, I'd imagine a terrorist attack would do as much damage to a bridge than a monster would. However, our contact between the allies in the other camp were usually limited to a few waves or radio communication. Whenever a situation like that would happen, a quick explanation and exclamation would trigger us all into acting.
We felt more in control over the bridge, strangely enough.
With only a gun in our hands, usual military uniforms of camouflage and durable titanium helmet, we stood at the ends of the bridges, guiding people from avoiding accidents.

ActionGuarding a bridge that had recently nearly been involved in another sweeping from Godzilla, Corporal Henry Lion chronicles the surprise that is revealed to approach the incoming new M.U.T.O on the rise. (This is a story based off the popular Godzill...