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July 6 200x
Dearest Diary,
Hello! I'm Ava Lee Jones,your new owner! I know I just got you yesterday,but I already feel like you understand me. I can write anything and everything inside day,my feelings,my sorrow. I'm Seventeen years old and I have a boyfriend named Tony,he's the only person I talk to,he's the only person that gives me hope,because everyone else discredits me. My parents left me at twelve years old,so I had to find a after school job,there wasn't many jobs for me considering I was only a kid. I decided to start off small,like Yard Work,Paper Route,Dog walking,and sometimes babysitting.When I was fifteen,I found a job as a cashier at a mini market.My boss is pretty cool,he would let me bring some food from his market home with me,but I don't eat it,because the food would be spoiled,or stale,and I would usually puke. I don't eat as much as I used to anymore,come to think of it...I think I don't eat at all, I don't really have that much of an appetite.I'll write in you later,I have to go to bed I have school tomorrow.
Thank you for listening diary,
This is Ava...Signing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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