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Everything is cold, dark, and it's quiet but not peaceful. My body hurts, yet feels like it's not even quite there.

"Get her away, now!" someone yells, interrupting my quiet peace. My eyes flutter open. My head aches terribly, and my body feels dead. Am I dead? No, I see someone looking down at me. Wait does't that mean I'm dead?

"Lucy come on" Ellie pleads for me to move. Samuel picks me up, his nose touches the side of my neck.

"She's been drugged" he explains. His face looks different, so does Ellie's face. Her hair looks more red, and a pair of fuzzy red ears stick up from both their heads. Samuel picks me up in his arms, and the group around me faces the Meylas witches, Jace.

"Edmund, where's Drake?" a wavy blond calls, I think it's Jasper. The wind rushes around is without warning. A wings human comes down. My eyes widen at the sight.

"Oh, how interesting, you really are a dragon boy" Jace laughs at Drake. He is firs to lunge for Jace. A bolt of red light strikes him down. Raven stands in his defense, whipping feathers at Daemon that cut like razors.

"Sorasu!" Daemon yells, diverting the feathers in Grace's direction. They go up in flames inches from her body. Drake flies at Jace again, and slams him into the wall by his neck. They hiss at each other fighting to sink fangs in the other Samuel backs off, Ellie swinging her claws at the new comer to the fight, Aisling. Monsters of all shapes morph into existence, monsters of nightmares act as her knights. Ellie snarls viciously, slicing through them with ease she attacks Aisling. Sweet Ellie with vampire fangs, fox-like ears and red eyes.

"Samuel go" she hisses at her brother. He nods his head, and starts to run with me out if the alley. He jumps into the roof tops for a good distance, and pauses momentarily.

"Are you okay Lucy?" he asks me. I simply stare awkwardly, completely unable I respond. My mind floats somewhere else, I kinda feel call and okay I guess. My head rolls back lazily, and a tired groan escapes my lips.

"Poor thing" he sympathizes when something knocks him over. I see Brad Piers, Jace's vampire friend, as Samuel flips in the air down to the ground. Jace joins him in the roof top beside a white horse. Now I'm sure I'm hallucinating a little. I hope I'm not when Raven and Drake arrive. They look like they've been burned a bit.

"Oh god" Raven breathes

"Hello there, care to be slaughtered?" Jace laughs manically. Oh yes, he's quite genuine alright. He's quite true about wanting to slaughter my cousins and friends. Lovely night right? Brad slides on ice, and lunges into a full on pounce. Raven dodges easily, and slices at his back with a rain if metal feathers. Samuel sets me down as he and Drake turn to face Jace. A low rumble rips through Samuel as a roar. He suddenly appears in front Jace who blocks his fist. Drake swoops in from behind. There's a flash of brilliant light, and Jace dodges claws and fangs with ease. He shouldn't have been able to dodge, and I loose connection with my body again. It's like bad connection with a tower or something insane like that.

Jace and Brad drop down to face Drake, Raven, and Sage. Jace lurches forward into a sudden wall off feathers. Brad breaks through, his body sliced as he tackles Samuel. Samuel kicks Brad backwards, but Brad quickly rebounds back into another tackle. Samuel is thrown against the brick wall. His body pressed up against the brick hard, his face starting to go blue.

"That's right, keel over and die you filthy hybrid" Brad hisses in his ear. Samuel's grass green eyes expand, turning blood red. His snarls furiously at Brad, still struggling furiously as his body starts to give out. One more second, and Samuel is on the ground.

"Samuel!" Drake calls over to him, and he's punched in the face. He lands close to Raven's feet, struggling to pick himself. The white horse reappears beside Jace. He's smiling cheerfully, and it's creepy as hell. Raven stiffens up, and mutters something.

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