chapter 1

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you should stay behind.’

Stiles nearly growled at his best friend. Actually…if their expressions were any indication, he did growl. ‘Like hell. I have all this energy to burn and I want to use it on those guys.’

Scott bit his lip knowing how angry the other teen was getting. ‘Stiles…you’re still…’



‘My jeep has been working perfectly for weeks now.’

The pack looked at the blue jeep which had the lights on, illuminating the place they were at. Roscoe had become a measuring meter for them, when it came to Stiles’s…powers. Everytime the teen let his emotions get the better of him, the jeep would immediately show it by turning off. Stiles patted the jeep while throwing a smirk at Scott.

Who wasn’t having any of it. ‘You still lose your calm too quickly.’

The pale teen sighed. That was true. He had part of the nogitsune powers. They had been slow to manifest, but when they did…Beacon Hills had entered the Guinness for the biggest lightning storm ever recorded. He wasn’t anywhere near Kira’s level, he was still human after all. But for an ADHD teen to have all that “electricity” running around inside him…it wasn’t good.

Every step of the way by Pirotess666 Steter Stiles And Peter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now