chapter 4

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Everyone had come. Scott, Stiles, Malia, Kira, Theo, Liam, Derek, Breaden, the Desert Wolf and Parrish. All of them looked down at Eichen House and tried to curb the instinct to just attack. The mountain ash barrier would stop them but Parrish had proven that he could take it apart easily.

Stiles looked at his banged up jeep again. The windows were broken, the black rooftop was a bit caved in, the front had a big dent…but, after all that happened, it was still working. The damned Doctors had pushed him off the road when they kidnapped Lydia, leaving the human to die in the wreck of the car. Only he hadn’t. Stiles had had a concussion and some pretty big bruises on his body and his jeep had been mangled, but that was it. And his jeep was still alive. He gritted his teeth. Lydia. It was all about her. She was the only thing that mattered, not his pride.

‘Fine…we can’t lose any more time so…fine. I’ll stay behind.’ Stiles gestured towards the nut house. ‘Go!’


Stiles watched the small battle below, grinning when his friends just swept in, taking out all “others”. He cringed when the desert wolf ripped off the head from an orderly while grinning. She was just scary. Her beta shape resembled Peter’s Alpha shape a lot.

Then they were inside the building and he began pacing in front of his jeep while looking at the eerie house.

Prowling like a tiger in a cage. This was wrecking Stiles’s nerves. Completely wrecking them.

Every step of the way by Pirotess666 Steter Stiles And Peter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now