My sister, My enemy

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Sisters are supose to be your bestfriend forever, one you can trust with anything. Thats what everybody exspects anyway. My name is Savannah, I'm not perfect, I have noone there for me. I thought my sister was my friend, my ride or die, my everything. I've come to realize shes none of that, never was, never wanted to be. She used me like a washrag, like an old paper plate. The bad thing was I fell for her way of scandal, black mail, betrayal.

It all began when we just started in middle shcool. Shes younger than me but acts like the older one, the boss. Ugh the endless days of being lied to, being bullied, being told rumors on all by your sister. Someone that isn't suppose to do any of that. I get called her name all the time. It makes me madder than a wet set hen, no one understands I am me not Summer. She's only 12 and knows everything there is to know about sex, black mail, ways to hurt people and just everything wrong. She acts like shes better than me,acts like i'm some scum. What sister does that?

She was suppose to be there for me when I fell, not the one who made me fall. We fight 24/7, then we just forgive each other. Well not this time. She hurt more than words can explain, well wait I can explain shes a bitch who just cares for her self. When we go to school she repeatingly saying I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm a whore, Telling everyone my secrets, and telling lies on me. Thing is no one cares or even notices how I am always deppressed, always sad. I guess I hide it well. Since she tells her friends made up tells they think I'm exactly what she says. You know how hard that is, for everybody thinkin your something that your not. You cant have real friends or even friends at all because you already gotten yourself a label thats not even true.

As long as she looks good who cares. Right? Thats how she sees it anyhow. I try to do normal thing but it seems I cant fit in anywhere. After everything shes said about me, I dont blame them, well I blame her. Shes a trickster you see. Shell pretend to be there for you, to actually love you but inside shes just wanting to get a new story to tell her friends. Shes made me not trust anyone nor need anyone. I have had so many sucidal thoughts just because of the things she had did, the things she has said. How can you live with all the people dissing you?

I cant tell you anymore about her because that sums it up, shes a 2 faced, controlling, attention craved, mean, undiscrible person. Im done with her and everything that comes with her. Im gonna make my own self known in the future, not be known as Summers sister but as Savannah. Im making my life better. Im blocking out all of her, even her words. If you guys have the same type of sister I know how you feel and what your going through.  It doesnt get easier after you block her out but it does make you you not what she says you are. Wish me luck as I wish yaw the best of luck. One more thing, your heart may alwasy have a scar left but look back on it and remember it was once broken and you repaired it with you and its a constant reminder let no one in, NEVER.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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