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Astrid knew Raina was hiding  something, every night she saw her go into the woods but she wasn't quick enough to follow she had to admit the fishstick was fast, so with the help of her friends she is going to find whatever she is hiding and she was gonna do it tonight she smiled this could ruin Rainas life.

She knew she left at about 12 so they were gonna go to the great hall about 11:30 and hide until they see her leave then the rest is hard they had to follow her throughout the woods in the dark with no light to help them which may be tricky as well as to make no noise that could give it all away. So at that time they all met up "I wonder what she's hiding" Snotlout said "Maybe it's a stash of gold" the twins said hitting each other with their helmets. Astrid just rolled her eyes at them, they irritated her but she needed their help 

They waited for a while soon they became bored out of there minds until they heard a kind of contraption open  then her coming out from behind the building,  they stared for a moment but let it slide for now then went off to follow her. They had been walking for ages and surprisingly no one had moaned probably were intrigued but were tired especially fishlegs but Raina only seemed like she'd been walking for five minuets

Eventually they came out to a cave embedded into a mountain it looked gorgeous they followed Raina inside they saw her walking round a lagoon then go into a side cave they tiptoed around it and went through and what they saw they were gobsmacked she was carelessly playing with a DRAGON they were shocked and partially scared they had to tell Stoick so all of them at once took of running toward the chiefs house

They got there in a matter of moments not saying anything because of the shock that possessed them they ran up to the chiefs door Astrid banging furiously

Stoick eventually came to the door looking grumpy as ever even more so when he saw the teens standing there "It's nearly one in the morning what are you doing" he groggily asked them "Raina we followed her into the woods to a cave and she had a" Astrid paused uneasy to tell him "And" he demanded "She had a pet dragon" she said quickly

Stoick took this in for a moment then he ran in to go downstairs and started banging on her door "Raina Raina get up NOW" she shouted eventually breaking the door down and running in seeing her not there "Where is she" she shouted at them "In the woods in a cave" Astrid said trembling "Take me to her Snotlout go get Gobber up" was all he said as he followed Astrid throughout the woods to the cave "Stoick you have to be quiet" Astrid whispered to him they went into the cave and through the side one

Raina has been with frost for hours now but right know she didn't feel alone she knew she was with frost but it felt like something else she turned around facing. Her father. "Dad hey what are you" She started to say but he had already noticed the dragon in the background and his face turned into a scowl and Raina noticed that Astrids lips had curved into a smirk

He grabbed the scruff of her neck and hauled her up to the village and the Vikings that had been following struggled to tie her dragon up since she was bouncing around trying to get to her rider

When they got to the village a few people were awake wondering what was going on but Gobber already knew what was going down and some people drew there weapons when they brought frost through the plaza they took her into the arena whilst stoick took Raina into the great hall since it was empty turning to her red in the face

"How could you do this training  that beast" Stoick shouted "She's not a beast" Raina said "Then what is she to you go on say it" Stoick snarled at her "She's my friend" she said "That is not Viking tradition" Stoick said "I don't care about Viking tradition it's rubbish" Raina shouted "Don't you dare raise your voice at your father" Stoick shouted "I can do what I want because your not my father you never have been you've never been there for me you always pushed me away" she shouted Stoick looked taken aback but then regained his posture "Where going to end this dragon nonsense there will be a trial to see what we're going to do" he said then stormed out leaving Raina in the dark eyes filled with tears

She eventually got the courage to leave with everyone staring at her on the way down the looks seem to be mixed of sympathy and disappointment she decided to go to the arena and stay with frost the night she walked in and saw her chained she wasn't hurt gladly so she says beside her since she was hooked only the wall

"I'm sorry frost" she said to her stroking her who responded by liking her softly and warbling "Raina" Astrid came in along with every one else speaking softly "What do you want" she hissed "We've come to say sorry" she said "Do you think sorrys gonna help now I'll probably be banished of the island because of you because you had to be the person who was the best who if she didn't get her own way she throws a fit" she screamed at them tears streaming down her face "Raina" she tried to sooth her "GO AWAY" she screamed at her she did she backed away from her telling the others to leave

She slumped down on the floor tears were now streaming out of her eyes her dragon pulled her to her with her tail and cuddle up to her tomorrow will be a long day

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