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[ movie one -- the princess diaries ]

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[ movie one -- the princess diaries ]

[ chapter one ]

I WAS AWAKE, but not fully awake at the same time. I leaned against the wall and stared down at the street below. The blinds were blocking some part of my vision so I placed my fingers on them and widen them to see. I sighed as cars passed down our street before widening my eyes at the sight of a black limousine passing by with police escorts.

 "Time for school. Stop daydreaming you two. You'll be late for school." I heard mom inform my twin sister and me from downstairs

"Hi, Louie, come on. It's time to go to school." I heard Mia say to Louie as I walked out of my bedroom 

By the time I made it to the end of the hallway, Mia had caught up to me. I took a step back and allowed Louie and Mia to go down the stairs first. I rushed after and grabbed my backpack before making my way to the fire-pole before my sister. I smiled at my mom and leaned against the wall.

"Are you feeling confident Mia?" I asked Mia a bit concerned to be honest, watching as she slid down the fire-pole 

"Not really," Mia answered my question just as she landed on the ground and I walked over to her 

"Okay, sister, a word of advice. Don't even look at them. Just look directly at me or look at the wall in the back. Also, speak loud." I advised my twin sister placing an arm around her shoulders as I stood on my tippy toes due to her being a bit taller than me

"Thanks, Mary." Mia thanked me flatly and all I did in response was give her a smile while our mom laughed lightly

"Bye, mom." We both bid our mom a farewell before I walked over to our curly-haired mother. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. In response, she gave me a white trash bag.

"Thanks, Mom." I thanked her flatly without a smile on my face and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I walked over to where my scooter rested and grabbed it, rushing after Mia who stood by the door.

"Morning Muttons." Both Mia and I greeted the dog in union and he greeted us back by barking when it walked past us

"Be nice muttons." I heard Mr. Lewis warn his dog who kept on barking even though they already passed us

Mia had already started to ride her scooter and I trailed after her, ignoring Mr. Lewis and his dog. I placed my foot firmly on the ground, my eyes widening at the sight before me. My lips parted a bit in shock as I watched Mia lose control of her scooter. To be honest, I don't even know how she lost control because all I saw her do was lift her leg up. I winced to myself when I saw her hit the trash can that belonged to our neighbor.

"Woah! Woah!"Mia exclaimed to herself, grunting at the impact and I noticed that our neighbor, Mr. Robutusen, flinched due to him being really close to the trash cans

WE COULD BE ROYALS | JEREMIAH HART¹Where stories live. Discover now