Wake up!

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So scratch out what I said in the message if you like it cool I'll keep writing them if you hate it I don't care :) (not in a mean way) so here's chapter 2 in the first one the dragons hadnt left yet but they will to have there babies c:

As hiccup and the gang go back to berk astrid couldn't help stare at hiccup who was holding the girl and looking at her

Hiccup turns and looks at astrid "what?"

"Nothing it's just remember what happened last time hiccup with heather we i mean you guys trusted her and we found out she was working for the outcasts and now her it's just suspicious"

"it's okay that was a few years ago it would have been more suspicious if it was a few weeks later"

"Yeah but what if she works for Dagur or someone evil and tries to take our dragons ?"

"What would Dagur want with us and the dragon part is true ?"

"yeah im just worried hiccup" she said sadly petting stormfly

"It's okay astrid we will wait till she wakes up and we won't tell her about the book of dragons or what we do"


"So hiccup um could you hand her to me since I called dibs" said an snotlout happily while smiling

Hiccup signs "snotlout for the love of thor I don't care if you called dibs on her I'm not gonna give her to you"hiccup said

They finally arrive at berk

"Dad!" Hiccup yelled getting off of toothless carrying the girl and going to his dad

Stoick turns around "Son you were right trader Johann-" was interrupted when he saw the girl

"Hiccup who's that" he said

"We don't know we found her on unconscious and on a raft of wood in the middle of nowhere with a blanket covering her" he said worried

"Well let's take her to the house and make sure she's fine"

"Ok dad lets go"

"I'm coming to" astrid said running to hiccup

"Me to" said snotlout

"No snotlout you,fishlegs and the twins go back and start preparing the dance" stoick ordered handing him the supplies

Hiccup,astrid and stoick run to the house Hiccup lays her on his bed and astrid comes in with a bucket of water and a towel,hiccup wets the towel and puts it on the girls forehead

"I wonder who she is" astrid said curiously

"Yeah i know"hiccup said staring at the girl

Astrid looks at hiccup and gets a little jealous by the way he looked at the girl

"So um (coughs softly) who are you taking to the dance?" she asked curiously

"Huh oh a girl she every pretty i just hope she says yes"he said smiling while rubbing his neck shyly

"Oh" astrid says smiling and blushing a little and puts her head down so he won't see her and knowing its her

"Umm hey astrid can I um can I ask you something its about the dance?" He said nervously

"Yeah !" she said happily

"Umm will you go with me-" gets interrupted by stoick

Stoick comes in "so has she woken up yet?"

"um nope not yet"

He looks at hiccup and astrid who were quite "was i interrupting something?" he says

astrid and hiccup look at each other

"um no dad" he replied

"oh um okay then i have to go and check on the decroations since the twins are there i just hope they hadn't cause trouble"

"okay dad"

stoick leaves

At the great hall

"Wow can you believe we found a girl" said fishlegs while decorating

"Yeah I hope she becomes mine girls can't resist me"said snotlout

"Really cause astrid and ruffnut can resist it" said tuffnut smiling

"Yeah I mean I don't even want it" said ruffnut laughing

Stoick comes in

"So I see the twins haven't blown it up yet"said stoick walking it "ehh looks nice"

"Well yeah and don't worry we will it will be the last one before our dragons leave which reminds me ruffnut let's go find barf and beltch"tuffnut said the twins leave

"Uhh fishlegs and snotlout you guys can go home now you'll finish tomorrow"

"So um chief has the girl woken up yet?" said snotlout curiously

"No snotlout"

"Okay well goodnight chief"

"Goodnight chief" said fishlegs happily

"Goodnight guys"said stoick and blows on the candles and hears a boom! "Uhh RUFFNUT TUFFNUT!"

At hiccups house

hiccup remebered that tomorrow the dragons were leaving and told astrid that he had an idea and told the others the plan,early in the moring the dragons had left including toothless so there were no dragons on berk hiccup woke up by the sound of someone knocking on the door he opens the door and sees astrid

"Good morning malady"

Did he just say malady she thought happily

"Good morning hiccup so has she woken up yet"she said curiously


they went up to his room,hiccup got the towel off the girls forehead wet it and put it back

"do you think shes still alive?" astrid questioned

"i dont know" hiccup goes to her and puts his head on her chest to hear a heartbeat and he does hear one


"yeah shes alive but why won't she wake up?"

"i dont know... so umm yesterday you were gonna ask me something"she said

"oh yeah um so i was thinking maybe we could-"

astrid stops him noticing the girl did something both of them look at the girl, her finger had moved and her eyes opened


So here's the chapter 2 cx umm not that interesting but oh well cx haha astrid is jealous of the girl wow so hope you liked it c: umm bye

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