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Her head throbbed against her skull in agonizing pain

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Her head throbbed against her skull in agonizing pain.

Upon the sight of a distorted figure with broad shoulders, it was clear to y/n that she had miserably lost to man she had just met while on her way home from work. Everything was a blur to the twenty-year-old college student as her mind yearned and ached to retain as much information she could recall before falling into his trap— his dirty, little trap, she thought to herself.

Not long ago, she recalled struggling for a breath of air and the immediate action she took to her now boss, due to the lack of space between both of their bodies. He was too close for her own tastes, and it irritated her to think that he thought he had some control over her.

It wasn't her damn fault that she happened to pass out!

It was something that she didn't have control of over her—

"You're finally awake," the man commented in a displeased tone, rolling his mint-eyes back before throwing his wavy hair to one side of his head. He took slow strides to y/n, who happened to be strapped against the crummy bed with knots on either sides of her wrists, and handed her a mischievous smile: revealing his intentions for the poor soul. "I'm surprised you'd even manage to wake up at this time of day."

Time? What did he mean? How long has she been strapped?

Many questions, left unanswered, flooded her head as she tried to recover from the sudden blockage of memory. With this new ordeal, she didn't really know how to respond— let alone, look at the man that claimed her as his assistant. His own.

In all honesty, it was sickening to y/n to even think that.

On the other hand, the twenty-two-year-old man was relieved to find his prized possession still alive! Not to mention, still in one piece, unlike the girls before y/n. He was beyond happy to find her in front of his own figure with that shaken expression he so deeply adored from the many women he has worked with. It was a reminder to him of his high position.

Master Choi, to be exact.

Her eyes searched for any answer through his eyes, but gave up in a matter of seconds with the confusing facial expression he bore as he circled the mattress. Practically held as hostage, he held this power over her to do as he pleased, and that terrified y/n to death. For all she knew, he could be a hidden trafficker or drug addict. "What do you want from me?" she shouted.

"What do I want?" he emphasized with a chuckle, then fanning his right hand over his puzzling expression in a playful manner. "I don't quite understand you, sweetheart. Could you clarify that to me a bit further? It seems I don't catch onto your words."

Y/n scoffed. "I'm sure you did..."

"What was that, dear?" he responded in the fakest, sweet tone this universe has ever heard. He pulled out an accessible white chair from underneath the desk beside the bed, emitting a loud yawn. He was sure that he lacked around several days' worth of sleep for spending the majority of his time tracking y/n down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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