StarGazer (Naruto Fanfic)

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SOOOO, I threw a dagger in his face and I was like -"OH, FUCK YEAH! "

The the kings sectary said calmly, "Since you killed him, your our new leader, Lady Queen."

I was like" WTF!?! NO!!!!!!!!"




Pic to the side is Ayia but older >


Gazing up at the nights stary sky, I leaned onto the hard bark of the lone tree in the clearing of the forest. The stars twinkled in the darkness of the night, a young artic fox jumped into the clearing to the feild of flowers on my right, ignoring the waterfall on my left. I didnt look down as the fox skipped its way over to the tree I leaned against, and curled up in my lap. I smiled slightly, stroking my fox Zurui's spft white spiky fur. (Zu-ru-ee)

My straight dark orange hair laid against my chest mixing in with Fera's fur. An owl flew into the sky landing with perfect calculation onto my tree making its night calls. Kurui lifted his small head to look at the new friend, his dark brown eyes reflecting in the moonlight. My Cal Poly Pomona green in my eyes lightened into Islamic green, which created fearce and intence eyes. (look the colors up if you wanna) My hair was parted a bit to the right, I had no bangs but the hair by my cheeks curled in and framed my face, along with my many freckles.

My phone lit up and I answered the silent ringing. "Yes, mom?" I asked a odd knowing of who's taking to me before they say it themselves. My mom breathed a puff of relief, "Aiya Koari! Get your butt back here this instant! You know It worries me to find you not in your room!" I made a rude grunt under my breath.

"Im fine mom, Im in the clearing." I said looking down over the clif below me to my house. Sighing, I stood up, supporting Kurui in my arms and begun my desent down the mountain to my two-story house, small but confortable. When I got down there, the houses lights were off. huh? Mom should have the house on high alert, not shut off... I thought. I snuck up silently to my house, marvleing at my way to move with the shadows.

I poked my six-year old head into the doorway, the door wide open. I thought I heard a stuffleing sound at first, but took it for our dog terry. "Terry? Mom?" I called, I heard Terry yelp upstairs, a sound of faint human distress with it. Oddly, Kurui trembled in fright in my arms, slipping under the safe haven of my shirt, his head poking out of my collor. Slipping threw our dark living room, I tried the light swich. The lights refused to even flicker, I guessed the power was out.

Stalking up the stairs, I felt Kurui freeze altogether, I stopped short of my room. I heard muffled sounds of sobbing, whispers being excanged. "Mom?" I called lightly, opening the door, only to see my worst nightmare. My mother was in the conor of my room, in the fetal posistion smeared in her own blood. She looked up from her protective ball to me, only for her eyes to widen in fear and horror.

"Ai-" She whispered before falling into a cough attack. I was about to run to her side when I notice two figures hidding in the shadows. I stuttered, "W-who are you? Why have you hurt ma?" I asked, my eyes filling with tears. They stepped out of the shadows, the one with bright orange hair and many pericings spoke, "She saw us, eh? surprising for not even trained."

"Aiya! R-r-run! Run away!" My mother coughed up blood. I stared at her in numb terror. The other cloaked one, a girl with purple hair said, "Aiya? Isnt that who you wanted?" My mother managed to pick up a hevy toolbox and threw it at them. The girl instant became thousands of sheets of paper, I felt something in my eyes tingle. "AIYA! RUN!" I darted out of the room into the darkness of the house, scrambling around to find the door, I pushed myself out ruffly and started up the mountain.

I took my chances and glanced behind me to see they were- unfortunantly- gaining up on me. I tried to run faster, holding Kurui to my chest protectively, He was more inportant to me then myself, I wont let him die! My sneakers hit the ground, making me trip over the thorny vines. I cursed and strugged to get up, I pulled my foot out of the bush and took off. Kurui cluched tightly to me, his claws actsidentaly peircing into my skin.

I winced, my shirt blowing in the midnight breeze, I ran straight into my clearing past the tree stopping at the ledge of the cliff. Crap, Now Im so smart. (note the sarcasm) Frowning, I spun aroud to face the now calm looking people, who were slowly approching, knowing I was trapped. My body prickeled with fear and terror, wanting only to escape. My back suddenly got warmer, I could see a blinding light in the conor of my eye.

I went to cover my eyes only to realize the light wasnt affecting my eyes. My eyes were unharmed as if it was just a fireflys light, I looked back to the two people, both had stopped and were covering their eyes, their backs hunched in pain. I slowly turned from them to the lights sorce. A giant ball of light floated or levitated off the side of the cliff, aweing me with its beauty. It reminded me of a star, but REALLY close up and VERY bright, Though the heat it rediated filled into my body, instead of harming me.

Curious, I reached out to the light, the warm rays enwrapping around my arms as I got in its reach. Smoothly, the yellow white light began covering my body untill I two looked like the sart but in human shape. Kurui climbed out of my shirt, floating off the ground infront of my face, my feet unknowingly had also betrayed gravity.

Kurui's small fox body began to glow, I stared at him in wonder as his body grew into a human shape, the glow dimmed enough so I could see him. Almost as if I was looking in a mirror, Kurui stared back, his once deep black eyes the same green as mine, his fox colored hair darkened into my own. The only differance between us was his face was sharp and almost fox featured, my face was soft with just a bit of sharpness to it.

Kurui, or maybe I should call him Yori? Looked at me, tilting his head like a fox might do. "Aiya?" The words came freely from his mouth, like they almost had a mind of their own. We looked just like identical twins, the star covered us fully in its warmth before I had the chance to speak. The star started pulling us two it, Yori noticed and despertely clung onto me, as if thinking I might just dissaper.

But to the two people hidding from the strong light, thats exactly what I and Yori did.



"OH FUCK NO!" I screamed and jumpped out the window, and landed all ninja like in a tree.




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