Kacey x Reader

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Part 2

Y/n's POV

  Yawning quite loudly I sat up and looked around my room. I guess I had just went to bed instead of a nap.. my alarm clock said 5:30 am, so I guess I woke up on a good time this morning. I got up and took a shower, because of the sweat from yesterday. When I got out of the shower I blow dried my hair and straightened it (if you have very curly hair then you had put moose in it). I got dressed in my uniform and grabbed my gym bag and walked out of my room. As soon as I got down stairs I saw my mother asleep on the couch. I sighed and made breakfast for me and her. I ate mine and put my plate in the sink. Walking out of the kitchen I walked to my mom and gave her a kiss on the four head while grabbing my shoes and headed out.

As I walked to school I grabbed my earbuds and put them in my ears, blasting music so I didnt have to listen to anything else. Looking around I saw my friends Aphmau Kaitlyn and kacey. I waved and continued to walk to school.

*time skip*

After home room I walked to my next class. Art had always been a favorite of mine (if you don't like art I'm sorry) so I was very happy to get it in my schedule. I also had this class with aphmau so it was pretty fun when you think about it.

As I got in the classroom I walked over to aph, got my art supplies out and started working on the project that we were assigned. As we started painting I thought about kacey. His blue hair, pale skin.. I took the colors blue and cyan and added them onto (f/fl). Then put a palish color outline on some of the petals.

As the class ended I got up and collected my items. Me and aphmau then started to head to lunch. Getting to our table I sat by kacey and Kaitlyn while aphmau sat across from me and in between Kawaii chan and Travis. As we ate we started talking about soccer and who they thought made the team

"I'm sure both of them made it, I watched and they were extremely skilled" Kaitlyn said talking about me and kacey.

"You're probably just saying that because it's your brother and his crush" Travis said arguing back.

Me and kaceys faces got red as we both looked down.

Kaceys POV

I can't believe he just did that. Oh no. She's gonna hate me. She's gonna not wanna be my friend anymore. Sh- my thoughts got cut off by her grabbing my hand slightly. I just blushed and kept looking down but grabbing her hand back.

We sat like this for most of the lunch period. Only moving our hand if we had to get something to make it look less obvious. The bell had rang. We got up and cleaned our food up and threw the leftovers away. Me and (Y/N) walked towards gym.

As I though I came to a conclusion. I would ask her out before practice.

*time skip*

Y/n's POV

I was walking back to my locker when a note fell out of it. Really confused I opened my locker to see if it would've came from my books. It didn't look like it so I just read it.

" dear Y/n,
                       Please come to my locker after school before practice. I need to ask you something very important.
                                     Sincerely, Kacey"

I started to wonder about what he was gonna ask me... what if he was gonna ask me to not be his friend??? Oh god. I started walking towards his locker in hopes to find him there and I did. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder causing him to jolt around very quickly.

" Y/n I have been wanting to ask you something.." kacey said trying not to stutter or mess up his words.

"Will you be my girlfriend. I love your personality and everything about you but it's fi-" kacey said extremely fast trying to fit in everything in one breath.

"Yes kacey.. I would love to be your girlfriend" I said cutting him off.

I was about to say something else but I got cut off by squeals from behind me. I turned around seeing aphmau Kaitlyn and kawaii chan there. Oh no. This is gonna be a big conversation for a while....

I hope you liked it!! I'm so sorry for the wait. My computers been really slow so I just decided to do this on my phone. Remember you can request any character from the series'!

            Author chan

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