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The phone started ringing. I groaned loudly. I was in the middle of writing a new story on wattpad and I couldn't be bothered getting of my bed and walking through the house to try and find the phone. My mum and dad would be out walking the dogs in the park, and my brother Josh, and sister Louisa were both at work. I got up and answered the phone.

"Hello," I said grumpily.

"Hey!!!" My best friend Ellie practically yelled down the line.

"Ok," I started "now do you want to explain why your phoning me at half nine? What major event in life has happened in your life?"

"Well sorry!"  she sighed, used to my grumpiness, "I just thought you would want to know I got my Hogwarts letter today!!!" I groaned. She had been going on for years about how she was  going to be accepted. "It had a special note from professor  Dumbledore-" I rolled my eyes. This could take a while. "-that said you should get yours today too!!! Has it come yet?"

"Ehh, nope." I replied unsure of whether she was serious or not.

"Oh." she sounded really disappointed. "Well, if it comes you have to phone me straight away, ok! And by the way Hannah should have one too!!!"

"Ok!" I said, "I'll call you later."

"Bye!' she called merrily.

I hung up. My friends were crazy!!! I had just made my way back to my room and had been writing another 5 min when I heard tapping at the window. I looked up in surprise. A beautiful tawny owl was sitting on the outside windowsill. I ran over and opened the window. The owl flew in and landed on my shoulder. It had a letter attached to its leg. I took the letter and opened it cautiously. It read -

Dear Miss McKinnon,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term will begin on September the 1st. We await your owl by no later than 31st July.

Yours Sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

I stared at it in surprise! I had wanted this to happen for years! Another smaller letter fell out. It was from Dumbledore. It must have been similar to the one Ellie got. It basically said that Hannah and Ellie had received letters, Hagrid would collect me on August the 29th to go to Diagon Ally to get my stuff and that I had a vault at Gringotts. And that I could keep the owl after I replied!

As this information sank in I realised that I would have to phone Ellie and Hannah! I picked up the phone to find a excitable Hannah and a remarkably calm Ellie.

When we go to Hogwarts!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now