The most efficient way to defeat an enemy is to divide them. Make no mistake, we could not be more divided. But who has deemed us the enemy? But more importantly, why have they done so?
A simple observation of modern society shows division on every front. Every time a group of people with similar goals and interests comes together it becomes all to easy to slap a label on themselves and begin fighting for 'their cause'.
The enantiodromia born from this attitude develops even the most noble of causes into yet one more shape that refuses to fit in to the overall puzzle-work of humanity.
When the pieces won't work together the overall picture is distorted and misshapen.
How can we build a correcting course for our monumental failures as a species?
We start by building a 'Cult of Humanity'
Besides being Human,
This cult has very simple rules.1.If you live here on Earth, you are one of us.
2. Do as you please as long as you don't damage yours or anyone else's development.
3.Contribute to the overall goal of the evolution of humanity to higher levels.
4.Invest yourself in everything you do, even the most menial of tasks.
5. Understand that not everyone evolves at the same level and treat each level accordingly.
Love it or hate it, we are all floating on this slave ship, this battle cruiser, this blue crystal sphere, together.Division=destruction
Connection=creationOne need not be a supreme rationalist to Grok, the path we are walking RIGHT NOW as a species will lead to our demise.
All we need do is redirect our course.
We are not beyond Reconnection.
6. Build up what is useful.
7. Trod down that which is useless.It will always remain truth that we need forms of purposeful destruction to rebuild something new from the ashes of the old. The problem with the cult of humanity is that for far too long we have never De manufactured the useless systems. We cling to the corpses of those dead ways as if our lives were dependent on them.
These Anchors, these Albatross will drag us to annihilation, ONLY if we refuse to release our grip on them. They are that which divides us.
Imagine if you can, humanity released from the dead weight of ALL USELESS ANCIENT TRADITIONS Ab initio mundi.
The quickening we would experience as a species would transform our world.
Understand that even something useful at one point or from one perspective may not be beneficial at another time and place.
We must become malleable in our conceptions. We need be open to new perceptions.
Reconnection isn't about avoiding conflict.
Reconnection isn't about waging wars at all times on every front.Reconnection is choosing our battles wisely.
Not being ready to face off every time someone disagrees with our point of view.
Instead we must develop perspectives that can stand the test of time. Objective truths we can all live by. In quality and quantity.
It can be assured the fight for existence is never-ending. We must reconnect so we can start fighting together against the real enemy-
Division amongst ourselves.