Of Danger & Duets

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Blake was awoken by a loud beeping noise emanating from Will's alarm clock. "Will!" He shouted his roommates name but there was no answer. After getting up and turning off the alarm, he shook Will. "Five more minutes..." the short boy groaned. "Class starts in five minutes dumbass!" Blake dragged him off of his bed and watched as his body hit the floor. Rebecca opened their door looking somewhat annoyed. "I can't have 3 seconds of quiet, can I? Ya girl needs her beauty sleep!" she whined. Will got up off of the floor and oickrf up his blanket. "Did you get your beauty sleep yesterday?" asked Blake. Rebecca threw her hair brush directly at Blake's head. "I don't need beauty sleep in order to slay!" She exclaimed before walking off, leaving the two boys to get dressed. Blake threw his shirt on the ground before searching the drawer for another one. "W-what are you doing?" Will looked over at him, a reddish tint to his face. "Getting dressed?" Blake returned the look as he pulled out an undershirt. "Your just going to get dressed in front of me!?" Will asked with a confused tone as he stood in the corner of the room, looking away. "Well, I mean, yeah? I don't see anything wrong with it." Blake slipped on the undershirt as he threw a pair of socks and a shirt at Will. The short boy with extremely messy hair caught the shirt as the socks hit him on the head.

 The short boy with extremely messy hair caught the shirt as the socks hit him on the head

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As the two were on their way to first period, they overheard a teacher yelling at three students that were fixing their hair in the bathroom

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As the two were on their way to first period, they overheard a teacher yelling at three students that were fixing their hair in the bathroom. "You have bathrooms in your dorms for a reason!!" exclaimed the teacher. When they arrived at room 905, they were greeted to a bunch of their classmates singing random songs and dancing. There was no teacher in sight. Rebecca sat on the Teacher's desk while telling a story to at least half of the class. As Blake took his first two steps into the room, he realized Will hadn't moved an inch. "Come on, You can sit with me." He pulled him by the sleeve of his hoodie to the back of the classroom. Three boys suddenly walked into the room, one with a green jacket, another in yellow and the last in red. "The teacher is coming!!" The shouted before sitting down in the back of class. Each student ran to their seats. A man with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes walked towards the Teacher's desk. "Good morning, My name is Teddy O'Malley, I will be your homeroom and history teacher this semester." A few of the girls began fawning over him. "I'll just take quick attendance and then you should be on your way to your first class." He began reading names off of the list. "Blake Rozario?" Mr. O'Malley said second. Blake shot his hand up enthusiastically, causing a few of his classmates to laugh a hit. Rebecca Felicity?" He called fourth. Rebecca raised her hand while watching girls swoon over their teacher, looking concerned. "William O'Malley?" He called seventh. Will shyly put his hand up. "Are you two related?" Asked one of the female students. "Actually, he is my baby brother, Isn't that Right Willy Wonka?" Mr. O'Malley smirked as a few students laughed at Will's nickname. "Y-yeah..." mumbled Will. The bell rang, causing students to jump up out of their seats and fill the previously quiet halls. Rebecca walked towards her roommates and wrapped her arms around theirs. "I was talking to this girl named Madeline and she thinks your cute, Will." "No thank you." He said as Rebecca let go of them. "Fine, I'll be back, I left my textbook in the dorm." She hugged the two boys before running off. Blake and Will walked towards the music room in an awkward silenced. "Why didn't you wanna go out with that girl?" Blake asked the shorter male. "Because, Everyone should focus on their schoolwork. Besides, relationships are pointless anyway." He exclaimed. "If you say so..." Blake shrugged. When they got into the music room, they were greeted by a short, chubby looking man with a groomed beard. "My name is Mr. Kyle Jayquota and I am your Music teacher this semester." The man introduced himself to the class. "For your first assignment, Pick a partner and sing a duet, but you only have two minutes to pick a partner and a song. Good luck!" Mr. Jayquota put a timer on his phone. Each of the students began clambering around the room, searching for a partner. A girl with long, Raven hair approached Blake merrily. "Wanna partner up?" Blake nodded as they began to think of songs. Will however was left alone, his only friends were already partners. He sat in the corner of the room, It seemed like he was struggling to breath. Rebecca had finally got to the classroom, she asked the teacher what was going on before running straight towards Will. "Hey, You wanna be my partner?" Will nodded, slowly regaining his ability to breath. "How does Michael Jackson sound?" Rebecca asked as she smiled at him. After the timer went off, Mr. Jayquota began to call on groups to perform. "Blake Rozario & Alexa Montgomery." He handed them microphones.

The entire class began to clap, even students that were In the hallway had started leaning against the door in order to listen. "Great job, next up is William O'Malley and Rebecca Felicity." Mr. Jayquota's smile grew larger.

Just when the two had finished singing, The bell rang. "And with that, class is over! I will see you all tomorrow."

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