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to plague and gall
two worlds shall fall
the dark one breaks the locks
that once held pandora's box
the bale's influence shall grow
the earth shall cry in sorrow
carnage shall reign
peace replaced by pain
the future lies in shadows
it only holds darker tomorrows

THE DIVINE SEER is different, the timeline is different, but the words remain the same. the prophecy has not changed, not for a thousand years. and it seems as though it never will. the gods warn of the coming doom without any information on when it is to happen, how they are to prevent its occurrence or even how to protect themselves when it does.

the gathering of the six clans of witches is silent, once again thrown into quiet turmoil. the prophecy isn't unknown but the feeling of dread washes over them anew. the air is thick with an odd mixture of tension and excitement. no one speaks or even moves for the longest of minutes.

a thousand torches lit by magic cast an eery golden glow in the large domed hall that houses the meeting. guards stand at every corner, clothed in combat gear, wary of an ambush. at the centre of an elevated platform is a large throne like chair where the grand warlock sits, flanked on either side by a guard. to his extreme right, the seer stands dazed.

the grand warlock takes a deep breath, preparing to speak but stops himself when he notices the seer twitch and then go completely still. training shrewd and experienced eyes on her, he waits in anticipation. perhaps this is the era. maybe it is during his reign the gods decide that they are ready to know more. he can't determine if that is a good omen or not.

the seer's mouth opens, her eyes roll back once more. the air in the hall moves and the atmosphere changes from tension to anticipation. the seer has the rapt attention of every being in the hall.

finally a sound that is entirely not natural or by any means hers, leaves the seer's mouth. her lips do not move as she speaks, her entire body seemingly frozen. the hall is dead silent, only the voice of the oracle can be heard as she reveals the other half of the prophecy that has been kept hidden for ten centuries.

for rising darkness to abate
that two worlds separate
should not unhitch
man and witch
must become one force
two races trace the same course
six of adam's
and six of hecate's
shall carve the path of light
to blind the black knight

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