Chapter Six

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THE FIRST TWO WEEKS residing with the Originals passed relatively uneventfully. I thought a schedule would help me adapt so I got up at the same time, ate at the same time and meditated at the same time every day. It wasn't long before the brothers joined me for meals if they were around. Maddox joined us a time or two as well. I saw Greta but got little more than a glare from the other witch as she passed by.

One evening as I sat on the couch watching TV and having a drink, the brothers came in. Klaus was raving about something as Elijah tried to calm him. Maddox and Greta trailed behind, neither one looking happy. I muted the TV, not wanting to draw an angry hybrid's attention if I could help it.

Elijah rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. "He can't hide forever, Niklaus. We will find him."

Klaus had been pouring himself a drink and launched the glass across the room. I wondered how much he spent yearly replacing things he broke during his tirades. "This is why I have witches. People are not supposed to be able to hide from me. But my witches can't even seem to manage a simple locate spell." His angry growl of a voice rolled through me and made me shiver.

"There was nothing simple about it, Klaus." Greta's tone was pleading and just short of a whine. "We had nothing that belonged to him. You can't do a locate spell without some tie to the target. Not with any great success, anyway. You expect too much."

He stepped closer to the witch until she was forced to tilt her head back to meet his eyes. His voice was quieter, deadlier. "Expect too much, do I? I wasn't aware that expecting the people in my employ to be competent was too much. If the things I request of you are too taxing, Greta, consider this my invitation to leave."

The woman said nothing as she dropped her head and took a step back. So she wasn't a complete idiot.

Elijah put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "We'll put out word we are looking for him. Someone will contact us."

Klaus downed his glass of liquor. "No. I don't want anyone knowing he took from us."

What kind of idiot steals from an Original? I took another sip of my drink as I debated what to do. Finally, I leaned forward and placed the glass on the table. "I can find him."

Everyone turned in my direction and I realized they hadn't even known I was there until I spoke.

Klaus tilted his head, his blue eyes wary. "What did you say?"

I lifted my brows. "I can find whoever it is you're looking for."

"Don't listen to her, Klaus. She can't possibly. She's just trying to make us look bad." Greta fisted her hands at her sides.

Klaus ignored her and turned to Maddox. "Well?"

The male witch shrugged. "I don't see the harm in letting her try. The worst that can happen is she doesn't find him either."

"Klaus—" Greta began only to be cut off when the man in question snarled at her.

"I believe I told you to leave."

We all watched her storm out of the apartment and slam the door behind her. Then Klaus focused on me. He smiled but the anger in his eyes outweighed whatever comfort he'd meant to convey. "What do you need, love?"

I stood from the couch. "Write his name and description on a piece of white paper. Other than that, I think I have everything in the greenhouse. Oh, and I'll need some of your blood. Just a few drops."

He nodded and began to jot the information I asked for down. I grabbed my newer grimoire and headed toward for greenhouse. The three men followed me. Once inside, I gathered a white bowl and two glass jars from the shelves along one side. I pulled a map of the local area from the drawer and handed it to Elijah. If he was further than that, I'd have to cast the spell again, but I hoped that wouldn't be necessary. I sat on the large patch of grass in the middle of the floor. "Maddox, could you assist?" I indicated the space on the other side of the bowl.

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