A surprise visitor

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Lucy's P.O.V

I was walking with Natsu,Gray,Erza, and Happy to them guild when Gray just starts stripping in public for like the fifth time in the past hour!

"Gray your clothes!" I yelled at him.

"Aw not again" he said while I just sweat dropped.

We were getting closer to the guild when I heard everyone in the guild yelling "Welcome back Lucy" or "Lucy your back".

"How do they know I'm back when I'm not even in the guild yet?" I asked.

"EEEEEEKKKKKKKK" we heard someone scream in the guild and we ran inside.

"What the hell is going on in he....." Erza was saying until she saw who it was who screamed.

"Why are there two Lucy's" Natsu asked.

There was a girl standing by the bar that looked just like me with levy holding her in a hug. It can't be...... she's back!

"L-l-luna........?" I whispered to the point where the people around me could only hear.

"Lucy!" The girl who looks like me yelled while running towards me and giveing me a hug while crying.

"Uhhh Lucy who's your doubleganger here....?" Natsu asked me.

"I missed you so much Nae-san!" The girl said while still crying.

"Nae-san!!!" the whole guild yelled.

"I missed you too Luna Nae-san!" I said while hugging her back.

"Lucy....." The whole guild said "....who's this 'Nae-san'?" they asked in this creepy voice that would send shivers down your spine.

"Oh yea right.... Guys this is my twin little sister Luna Heartfilia!" I said to the guild.

"I didn't know you had a sisters Lu-chan." Levy said.

"Yea why didn't you tell us?" Natsu asked.

"That's because about a year before I had ran away from home Luna had disappeared and No one could find her. So when I ran away from home that was one of my reasons to find her. That's what I would be doing when I would leave for like a week or so. By the way where did you go? What happened? Were you safe?" I asked her all these questions

"About that guess what!!!" She said getting excited.


"I found her! I found Celest!" She said. I could feel tears running down my face.

"W-where is she!? Was she ok!?" I asked her while still crying.

"She's ok now but when I found her she wasn't. She had a broken wing and was loseing a lot of blood." Luna said.

"What! Who did it to her!?!?!?!" I yelled. I could feel it happening as i was getting mad. My magic energy was riseing. Already!

"L-Lucy c-calm down b-before you d-destroy the g-guild." Luna said while stuttering.

"Who did it to her!" i yelled and just then one of Cana's barrels of beer exploded.

"She dosnt know. She said when she woke up she was in her human form and was in a basement chained up and she said she was tortured by someone in dark cloacks for 3 months till she was finally able to escape." She explained to me.

When i heard that my eyes started turning black and my hair silver.

Luna's P.O.V

Oh no her powers are coming back quicker then i thought. She's getting mad and if i dont calm her down she will destroy the whole guild and maybe even the whole town.

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