New Guildmates?

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~Later on that day~

~Lucy's P.O.V~

"Ok guys its time to ago go go!!!" I yelled.

"Hai!" The whole guild responded.

"Big brother are you gonna come live with us?" Luna asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Pleeeeaaaaassssseeeee!!!" We both whined now on our knees in front of him.

"Eh, why not!" he said to us.

"Yay!" We both yelled.

"Ok guys let's go~" I yelled while snapping my fingers opening the portal to fairytail up.

As we all walked through the portal we all went back to the guild to continue on with our lives.

"Master!!!" I yelled as we entered the guild.

"Yes my child?" He asked.

"Can Luna and Big brother join the guild? Pleeeaaasssseeee!!" I asked.

"Of course they can!" Master yelled. "Mira get the stamp!"

(A/N Instead of Lucy's mark being on her hand in pink I made it on her shoulder in red. you will now why in a sec.)

"Ok where do you want your mark and what color?" Mira asked Luna and big brother.

"Hmmm...Lucy where did you get your guild mark?" Luna asked me.

"Right here In black but outlined in yellow." I said showing them my mark on my right shoulder.

"Oh ok. Mira I want my mark on my left shoulder in the same colors as Lucy's." Luna said.

"Look big brother. Our marks are the color of your hair!!" We both said as she got her mark stamped on.

"Oh yea?" Big brother said lifting up his eyebrow. "Mira I want mine on my chest in yellow but outlined in black please."

"Ah! I see what you are doing." Mira said as she stamped Big brothers chest.

"Look Lucy! Luna! I have your color as my mark!" Big brother yelled as he got his mark stamped on his chest.

"Yay!" we both yelled as we jumped up and hugged him.

"Lucy! Big brother! Let's go on a job!" Luna said.

"Kay!" I said.

"Hmmmm.... How 'bout this one?" Big brother said.

The job he had picked was a job to get rid of a dark guild that would constantly rob towns nearby it.

"Kay!" me and Luna both said.

"Mira me, Luna, and big brother would like to take this job." I said as I walked up to the bar.

"Okay! Your all set to go. See ya soon!" she said to us.

"Bye!" We yelled as we walked out guild.

"Oof!" I grunted asbi bumped into someone wearing a cloak that was walking into the guild as we were walking out.

"Gomen! I didn't see ya There." I said as I got up.

"Its alright." The person who I'm guessing was a male said.

"Oh ok.. again sorry!" I said running of towards big brother and Luna.

~20 minutes later~

Still Lucy's P.O.V

"Minna were back!!!" I yelled as i kicked down the guild doors like natsu does.

"Lucy!? But how? The quest you took usually takes about a week to complete!" Mira said from behind the bar with a confused face.

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