Son Seung-wan (Wendy) x Reader

903 13 1

This beauty is from Red Velvet
Short bc writing before I leave for New Orleans

When you draw on your skin it shows up on your soul mates skin

-you just so happened to be an idol too

-just for a different company

-you schedules never lined up

-so you never met her

-you frequently wrote to her using your skin

-constantly making sure she was eating

-and sleeping

-and taking care of yourself

-so at least one of you were

-but she almost always dodged those questions

-but you didn't want to push her to respond

-you always tried writing in places that wouldn't be seen on tv

-such as an arm

-or thigh

-or anywhere like that

-one time she wrote on you while you were in a performance

-you could tell because you felt the slight sting on your skin

-it was the back of your hand

-clearly visible to all cameras


-between songs you decided to check your hand

-it was just a cute little heart

-which you smiled at

-you quickly made a finger heart at a nearby camera

-in hopes of your soulmate being a fan

-which just so happened to work in your favor

-Wendy had just so happened to scroll upon a video of your group

-and saw the heart on your hand

-and then your finger heart

-causing her to run up to her group members

-and then ask what group you were in and who you were

-"I'm not sure who she is one hundred percent, but I think they're from (group)"

-Wendy then ran back to her room and looked you up

-well your group

-and then you after she found out your name

-she wrote it on your arm

-which you noticed immediately

-"wait you know who I am?"

-"now I do"

-you let out a smile and ran to your group mates

-showing them your arm and squealing

-they all got as excited as you did

-of course you still didn't know who soulmate was

-but she knew who you were

-which was a step forward

-and good god were you excited to meet her

-whenever it happened at least

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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