Welcome to the Show

548 15 11

"I guess I'm gay for clown robots sometimes."

-Ballora, probably


"Could you guys please slow down?"

"No way, dude. Go faster!"

Belle groaned as she watched her friends speed ahead of her in the parking lot.

Earlier in the day, Belle had foolishly suggested that they go out rather than hang out in her house.

Eddie, her big, tall, shaggy looking friend immediately got excited. He suggested they go to some kid's pizzeria chain.

Belle wasn't super fond of the idea. She didn't like those types of places, they were always too loud.

But then Yenn, who usually hated places with lots of people noise and would disappear at the sight of it, actually said it was a good idea. Belle was shocked at that but learned he was only in it for the food. So, not surprising.

She then turned her best friend Leslie, looking for backup. But he gave one of his toothy lopsided grins and uttered a "Sounds like a plan, my dudes!"

Belle's friends were actual children sometimes.

Not that she usually minded.

Who knew? Maybe she'd actually end up enjoying herself.

Her three friends rushed through the door.

She continued to trail behind the others at a more reasonable pace.

By the time she got inside, they had all spread around the establishment.

Not surprising, really.

Another thing not surprising was that the place was indeed loud and fairly packed. Both children and adults alike roamed around in what seemed like packs.

Belle's eyes scanned around the restaurant searching for her friends.

She spotted Leslie behind the glass of the arcade, his stark white hair stood out under the blacklights like a sore thumb, so he wasn't hard to spot.

Eddie's head was visibly poking out of the ball pit.

And then there was Yenn, who Belle spotted over by the booths eating pizza.

She decided on joining Yenn since the booths were the least crowded part.

"Hello." She greeted.

"Hey, man." Yenn greeted back through a mouthful of pizza. He motioned to the slices that remained untouched. "Want a slice?"

"No thank you. I just wanted to go somewhere that wasn't crowded."


They shared some mindless chatter with one another, and Belle casually observed the room around her a bit better.

The room itself was fairly plain; black and white checkered floors and blue-gray walls with a few posters haphazardly hung up. The only really remarkable thing was the stage, which automatically drew your attention with its blinding spotlights and actually vibrant colors.

Even more attention drawing than that what was on the stage.

Three animatronics stood on it, made mostly of sleek white and gray metal that appeared to shine under the spotlights above. One of the more interesting things Belle took note of was how their bodies were split by segments. Especially on their faces, where the dark splits between the plates were more prominent.

On the left of the stage there was a tall bear accented with a purplish-pink color, and a black bow-tie and top hat. His icy blue eyes seemed to carry more emotion than plastic eyes should. In one hand, he gripped a microphone that adorned that same purplish-pink color he did, and the other was covered by a little blue rabbit puppet with a red bowtie.

On the right stood a fox animatronic that adorned gray and pink alongside the white. The only thing she wore was a little red bowtie. He sang with bear and rabbit in a voice that was significantly more robotic and grainy than theirs, tail swishing back and forth behind him methodically like the arm of a metronome.

The movements between the two were a little less robotic abrupt in comparison to other animatronics Belle had seen. More human-like, but still very mechanical. Sometimes the jolt of their movement would cause the faceplates to open a little, allowing a small glimpse at the wiring underneath.

In between the two of them stood a short animatronic resembling a clown. Red painted lips, cheeks, and nose were on a face with cartoonishly round green eyes and a stupidly perfect smile. She wore a red and white dress and had hair that was a few shades closer to orange, styled into pigtails. Unlike her animal friends, she did not interact or move. She stood static, one arm by her side, and the other raised slightly with a microphone in hand. Her head dipped down slightly like she was stood asleep with her eyes open.

Belle couldn't stop looking at her for some reason. Her eyes should have been more drawn to the movement of the other two, but for some reason, her eyes remained trained on the clown.

"Cool animatronics, huh?" Yenn asked, noticing her staring.


The bear and the fox stopped singing and started to talk with one another.

Well, it was friendly bickering, really.

When they started to get kinda loud the clown sparked to life.

Her eyes flicked on like flashlights, and her faceplates shifted.

She diffused the situation, and then the fox and bear left the stage, starting to roam the restaurant and leaving the clown by herself on the stage.

Her eyes scanned across the room, eventually finding Belle's gaze and seemingly locking onto it.

Belle felt her face start to heat up for some reason. She quickly broke eye contact, standing up an deciding to look for one of her other friends and uttering a 'see you in a few' to Yenn.

She probably shouldn't have been embarrassed by an animatronic catching her staring, but holy fuck she was.

She ended up finding herself near Leslie first, who still stood at the same arcade cabinet, a ridiculously long string of tickets spilling from it.

"Oh my god, are you still going on the first token?"

Leslie tore his eyes away from the screen for a split second to meet Belle's.

"Yeah dude, haven't died once yet. The patterns in this game are so frickin predictable."

Belle shouldn't have been surprised. If there was anything Leslie was good at, it was math, talking for impressive lengths of time, and video games.


"Yeah, thanks. What have you been up to?"

"Uh..." Belle awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. "You know, just watching the animatronics perform and stuff." She could still hear the clown singing from across the room, but tried to not let it distract her.

"Oh? I heard the tech in those things is pretty rad. Like, way too advanced to just be used at this place."

Belle glanced through the arcade window and spotted that clown again.

She was strangely drawn to her. She really was.

Was that weird?




Well, this was longer than intended. Things will get more interesting NEXT CHAPTER



In case you couldn't tell, Belle is Ballora, Leslie is Lolbit, Yenn is Yenndo, and Eddie is Ennard

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