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Keaton's POV

A sudden coldness stirs my sleep, I move in to cuddle Ryker closer, remembering his familiar warmth, only find his spot empty. Opening my eyes slowly I look at the clock, 2am. His flogging earlier should have had him passed out for longer but if he stirred his mind was probably working overtime. Moving onto my back I call his name, his probably just in the bathroom, but when he doesn't answer, I drag myself out of the bed. Groggily walking towards the bathroom I see he's not there, so I go to check downstairs, he is a heavy snacker after all. After about 10 minutes of searching the house to no avail, I start to panic. His car is gone.

I sprint up the stairs and fumble for my phone, needing to hear his voice and making sure he's okay. As I frantically tap the screen, I see the text he sent me.

" I'm going out for a bit, I'll be safe, don't wait up"

Seeing that, I relax, maybe he just needed time to internalize that intense scene we had just had. Since it was the first scene since he was back I wanted to make it intense. The plan was. To show him who had control of him. Always, no stopping. So I had tied him up and flogged him and fucked him. Or atleast a mixture of those elements. When I was finished, his milky white back had red angry welts, from the top of his shoulders all the way to his ass. The scene had lasted about 2 hours and by the end of it we were both worn out so like any responsible dom, I massages my sub, make love to him and fell asleep in his arms. Maybe he just needed time to clear his head I reasoned with myself.

My mind runs circles around me as I sit on the sofa nearest to the door, waiting for my man to come home. I have so many things to do. I have to prepare men to do a job for my highest paying customer, I have to have Ryker join AA again. I have to go with him. So many things to do.

I eventually fall asleep in the sofa, not waking until I hear the tell tale notice of an engine turning off. I sit up, shaking the sleep out of my features. The door creaks open slightly revealing Ryker. I walk up to him, pulling him into a bear hug. " I missed you baby" I say sensually, getting into the mood. I start nuzzling his neck when I smell the distinct scent of a whiskey double. No.

I push him away slightly, frantic. "Ryker Daniels, tell me the most you've done is go into a bar. Tell me you didn't..." I plead pathetically. In the early hours of morning I can't seem to find the mask I usually reserve for occasions like these. For the first time since he opened the door he looks directly at me. I notice his eyes immediately, red. He opens his mouth and I smell the scent again but he quickly closes it. "No." He says, the words carefully formed as if trying to shorten his sentences and pronounce them succinctly as to not draw attention to his slur.

I push away my deep intense resentment and anger at this situation. I push it so far down that the pressure used drains me. I instead grabs his wrist whatever mood having long since vanished. I lead him to our bedroom. "Stand there and don't move" I tell him. I don't even want to speak to him, I'm so tired.

I retrieve two lengths of rope and make no ceremony of tying his hands together and then tying said hands to the bed frame. I don't want him in my bed. The realization startles me, I feel disgusted. I put pillows on the floor as well as a duvet, "There." I say pointing as the prepared spot. "Lay down on your side, you need anything call my name, I'll be right up here" I explain wearily. Ryker responds with a jerky nod and I nod to myself. I watch him crawl pathetically to his assigned area and I take off the room light and crawl just as or even more pathetically than my drunk husband on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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