Chap 2: Love at first sight

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Jasons POV

I think I'm in love with a girl that is finally not much younger than me. She seemed kinda timid, she seems like a nice person once you get to know her. I look at her eyes and smile even more. Her who appeared to be her older sister was trying to comfort her. The girl looked sad and scared, she also looked like she didn't have very many friends...but she has a ton of siblings. I turned around and there was a person wearing a child service shirt in the house and he was grabbing the girl that I thought was cute. He grabbed her and ran out the door. I looked at her older sister balling.

"Y-you ok?" I asked looking at her "what's your name by the way".

"I'm Lisa and did you see what just happened?" Lisa said.

"Yeah I saw and I'm Jason, I live a few houses down from you guys" I said looking down at the wooden floor "I thought she was cute too.."

"Hold up. You thought my younger sister Lauren was cute?" Lisa asked me.

"Yep" I said smiling.

"ooooooh" Lisa said Laughing.

Laurens POV

I woke up somewhere I've never been in a small room with no Lisa or any of my family, I started crying bc I didn't know where I was and I wasn't with my family. The guy looked at me.

"Hey hun are you ok?" I heard someone say and I looked where it was coming from and I saw it was my dad.

"Daddy" I said running over to him and hugging him.

"I'm glad I followed the car that the guy had that took you. Time to go home" my dad said picking me up. He saw me drifting of to sleep in his arms. He smiled and carried me to the car and laid me on the back seat. He closed the door and got in and drove home. When we got home I was still asleep, he got out and picked me up and carried me inside.

Years later (specifically 10)

Laurens POV;

Now I'm 19 living with my 18 years old sister and 3 of my younger brothers..I haven't seen Jason in years.....many many years about 3. I miss him so much, I love him. I got his number and texted him;

Me: Hey Jason it's Lauren, I just wanted to say hi
Jason: Omg hi. It's been years since I've seen you. I'm 21 now..
Me: I'm 19 now. I really wish I could have you with me all the time
Jason; me too, I have a question so turn around.
Me; Ok?

I turn around and see Jason standing there, I hug him so tight.

"Hey Laur" he said smiling hugging me back.

"oh my freaking gosh" I said smiling so happy to see him. He's adorable now.

 He's adorable now

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"What's your question" I asked .

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked me.

"YES" I said yelling. Dani saw him and was really confused at first who he was. My mom knew he was here.

Dani's POV
"Babe" a guy said looking at Lauren.

"Ya" Lauren said back to the boy.

"Wanna move in with me in Tennessee about 4 houses down from here?" He asked Lauren .

"YES" she said back. I was still really confused who he was. I walked up to him and looked at him than asked him something.

"Who r u?" I asked.

"Uh, I'm Jason , your old neighbor from Sacramento California" he said

"Oh yeah, you I hate you btw" I said walking upstairs into my room. I hate that kid bc he liked Lauren and not me.

Jason's POV

Dani just told me that she hated me, eh that's wierd. At least I am in a good relationship with Lauren. She's so gorgeous and sweet. I looked at her, I couldn't see her than I look on my back.

"Really? You have to be on my back.." I asked.

"Yep" She said smiling. I started blushing just looking at her.

"Your so cute when you blush" she said that kissed one of my blushing cheeks and smiled.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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