you do his makeup (bryce)

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you and bryce were filming a youtube video for your channel. you were filming a doing my bfs makeup video since it was one of you're most requested videos at the time. bryce sat down and you grabbed your makeup bag. before sitting down beside him you turned on the camera and made sure it was in focus. then you started your video. "hey guys! welcome back to my channel. today i'm going to be doing... bryce's makeup!!" you looked at bryce and he was pouting because he really didn't want to do this. you put on his foundation and concealer which were way to light for him and began to blend it in. you told him that you were going to do a simple makeup look because you were trying to be nice and not force him to sit there while you caked his face. you then went to contour and blush and baked with your powder. you moved on to eyebrows which were pretty easy since his eyebrows are full. he wanted to know what he looked like so he asked for a mirror and when you gave it to him he started checking himself out. "damn... i guess you made me a pretty girl right y/n." you started to laugh and you kissed him on the cheek. "guys what would you rate me on a scale from 1-10?" he said. "on a scale from wet dog to y/n. wet dog being the best..." you slapped his arm and pouted pretending that it hurt your feelings. "joking! y/n being the best and wet dog being the worst". he laughed. you then went on to eyeshadow and you brushed off the powder that you left to bake. you let him pick the highlighter since he said he was "better at makeup". he picked up a primer and then a concealer and then a eyeshadow pallet. but he eventually picked up your becka highlighter. you put it on and he grabbed the mirror and once again started to check himself out. you grabbed the mascara and he immediately stopped. " y/n... please be careful! i'm not trying to go to the hospital and tell my friends that i'm blind because mascara got in my eye." you put the mascara down and grabbed a pair of fake lashes instead. you put them on him and hid the mirror since you knew he was going to grab for it once you were finished with his lashes. you grabbed the eyelash curler and curled his lashes. then you tried to calm him down enough to put mascara on. he finally let you but you never thought that he would be scared of mascara. once you put a liquid lipstick on him and sprayed him with your setting spray he was all done. the video took about 35 minutes due to bryce's constant complaining and because of how many times he checked himself out. once you were done ending your video bryce began to take the makeup off but he got some in his eyes. when you walked into the bathroom bryce made you check his eyes, get the makeup out of them and give him a kiss. you wiped the rest of his face and the two of you went out for some food. when you were ordering your food you started to laugh since there was still some makeup that was smudged on his face. you left it there so everyone could see it and because it was just funny in general. people would give him weird looks when they walked past him and you knew exactly why...

i'm sorry that this was really bad but i was really tired since it's like 2am. but i tried to write a longer story for the people who don't like my super short ones. and yeah ik that it's all in lowercase but that how i set my phone up and i just like typing that way. so yeah... once again sorry for that really bad story.

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