Part 1: Poor police girl

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Too many murders in Camp Crystal Lake .. you as a responsible policeman had to figure out what the cause of the deaths of many people is. Therefore, having gained courage, you went to this terrible place ..

Looking around the area, you are all haunted by one thought - a legend that made this camp really creepy. It was about this bloodthirsty killer - Jason Voorhees. Yes, yes, you've heard a lot about him. And despite the fact that it was just a legend, you were afraid to meet him.

So, after examining the area, you finally reached Crystal Lake. The view was simply amazing, so you decided to stay a while and admire it. A little later you start to feel that someone is watching you .. you were uncomfortable at this moment ..

You turned and saw someone's silhouette .. big and dark silhouette.

-Who's there? - You asked, but there was no response..

Then, you took your gun, and decided to approach this silhouette. Approached, you noticed that it disappeared.

- No, no ... there was someone ... I'm sure of it ... - you said.

Suddenly this feeling reappeared. Feeling when someone is watching you turned back and saw how the man wanted to hurt you with his machete. Fortunately, you got a reaction and you dodged. To fight with the enemy you needed more distance between you both, so you quickly ran backwards. You shot this man from the gun. But the bullet didn't cause him any harm, so he just went to you without any obstacles.

-Jason Voorhees .. yeah, it's him .. he's not a legend .. - you whispered to yourself. Realizing the situation, you quickly began to flee. He went after you. You ran into some very old house, and closed there.

- Oh, no ... I don't want to die - you were in panic. Taking a shotgun in your hands, you just stood and waited for him. There was silence, but it was disturbed by a very loud "knock" at the door. He's already here ... as soon as he enters the house, you will finished. But .. you didn't want to despair. Still, you had a shotgun, and it's much more powerful than an ordinary gun. 

Soon, Jason got inside. You started shooting him with a shotgun, and it interrupted his movement.

-Oh, my God ... not too close ... don't get too close!" - You were at a loss. You were sure that he would kill you. And unfortunately, the bullets were exhausted, and Jason managed to get close to you. He grabbed you by the throat and looked intently into your eyes. You tried to free yourself from his grasp, but it was all in vain. A little later, Jason loosened his grip, still looking into your eyes. You just couldn't understand why he doesn't kill you.

-Hey..hey, let me go! - You began to fear even more. He shook his head, thus saying "no". 

-What..? Then .. what do you want? - you said excitedly. Jason just took you and carried in an unknown direction. 

You were, to put it mildly, shocked ..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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