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"MOM DAD!" The riolu yelled. He ran around the burned ruins of his home. The home he grew up in. The only home he knew. Gone. 

"Over here..." a voice called out weakly. The riolu turned and rushed over to a pile of rubble. Underneath were his parents. Burned and bloody. He fell to his knees and teared up. The lucario, his mother, looked at him feebly. Her eyes cold, her face drained of color.

"Be strong..." She whispered as she slowly reached up and caressed the riolu's cheek. "Be strong...for your sister...for your father...for me..."

The riolu nodded, the tears beginning  to sting his eyes. His mother pulled his head down and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "The sun...may be setting today..." She began. 

The riolu began to cry. "But it'll always rise again tomorrow." He finished for her. She smiled and closed her eyes.

"Never...forget..." His mother advised as her hand fell from his cheek. She laid there motionless. As the riolu cried out in pain.


I jolted out of my sleep panting and sweating. 

"" I whispered to myself. I looked around and saw my room still in perfect condition. "Just a dream..." I sighed with relief. This was the third time this week I've had that dream. What could it mean? My little sister, a zorua named Lego, was still soundly asleep next to me. I slowly slid out of bed and snuck out the door. It was still the middle of the night and I didn't want to wake anyone up. I crept to the front door and slipped outside. 

"Some midnight training should ease my mind" I quietly said to myself as I walked to a nearby clearing. In the middle was of the clearing was a training dummy. It was beat up and dirty from being used for a while. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I began to focus my aura into my paw and manifested the energy into a ball. Aura Sphere, a move riolus usually can't learn. I somehow managed to do so with the help of my mother. I opened my eyes and aimed at the dummy. After a few seconds, I threw the orb with all my might striking the dummy right in the gut. It remained for a few moments before fading away, leaving a dark stain in its place.

"If you keep your eyes closed while charging it, your enemy will get the drop on you." A voice called out from behind. I quickly spun around to see a zoroark standing there. Father. He walked over and rubbed my head. "Another dream?" He asked. I shook my head and sighed.

"The same one's getting more frequent." My father nodded and looked at the dummy before looking back at me.

"We'll go visit Munna tomorrow after breakfast and figure out what this dream could mean." He responded picking me up. "For now let's try and get back to sleep. Can't have you show up to the table tired now can we?" I shook my head before laying on his shoulder closing my eyes.

Tomorrow I'll get my answer.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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