Hypnotized Poke-family

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Chiko the Shiney Espeon awoke in a strange glass tube.  The last thing that she remembered was some stereotypical evil laugh, green gas and a strange smell while walking with her mom Shaina the Zangoose and her little sister Lumi the Glaceon.  She tried to see out the tube but could see nothing through the dark purple color of the tube.  If she could look through the tubes, she would have seen her mom in the next tube over and her sis in the far tube, in the same situation as her.  She tried to break herself out but could do nothing against the glass.  She had no idea why she was in her Purple with Black lace strapless  bra and panties because she could remember wearing clothes before being knocked out.  Just then, she heard this strange voice outside the tube and the another female computer voice inside the tube.  "Begin the slave making process." Said the first voice "-Yes master, beginning Phase one, mind dissruption-"  Then, Chiko saw a blast of bright, pure white light coming from litterally every spot in the tube.  Her psycic defences went down for a second but she tightly shielded her eyes and tried to keep the shields around her mind up, because if someone was trying to lower them, she knew that that was a bad thing.  As she tried to block out the mind dissruption, the white light was beginning to for small nanos in the air that floated around for a minute, and the headed tword Chiko.  She had no idea that they were entering her body through her ears but they were, and they were slowly makking their way to her brain.  When the nanos finally reached her brain, they went to work, altering her brain slightly as to not damage it but to succesfully complete the lowering of her shields.  They succeded, she easily surcumbed to the combined power of the nanos, the light and the power of their commander.  She was now helpless to defend herself from mental attacks.  She did not like that.  She would also not like the fact, if she knew that is, that the nanos were slowly  starting to attacth to her brain as recivers.

Shiana did not know why she was stripped down to her matching brown panties and bra, why she was in a tube or what that stange white light was just a second ago.  She had no idea where she was or where her daughters were.  She thought she felt her will power go down a little and felt like something was wrong with her.  She tried to put all of the pieces of this puzzle but it was useless, she could not understand anything that was going on and before she could think for very long, she heard a voice from outside the tube, the same mysterious voice from before.  "Begin phase two"  "-Phase two commencing, subject preperation-" came the computer voice from somewhere in the tube.  She then felt a strange twinge in her brain and then her arms shot to her side and her legs and feet were pressed together.  She was standing at attention for the most part.  It felt to her like there were invisible bonds holding her like this but she did not phisicly feel anything, it was like she was fighting her mind for control over her body.  "But that can't be" she thought "If I can still squirm, then why can I not break free of this stance?"  In truth, she was actually fighting her body for control over her mind, and she was fighting a losing battle.  Then, she looked up and saw that two red laser discs had covered the top and bottom of the glass.  The dics then started to move inward.  She saw that they were not hurting her, they were scanning her.  They were going up and down her body.  She also thought that she could feel something physical in the lasers but how?  It was just a light?  She tried again to get free but it was no luck, she was acctually finding it harder to wiggle around, it was wearing her out fast.  Then, something about this entire thing clicked, it was the laser that was draining her of her energy.  Yes, she tried to look down at the laser that was scanner her lower half but she could not, she could no longer move her head, uh oh.  She had also lost control of her body now, one of the lasers passed in front of her face, it was red now and she thought "Red?  Had that laser always been red?  Wait, it was like, 2 minutes ago, how could I not remember?  What is going on, are Chiko and Lumi okay, I hope so, I hope they always remember them, I know that I will always remember them.  Poor Chiko, poor Glaceon.  WAIT, Glaceon, why can I not remember her name, now I cannot remember…NO, who were they?!  No, I will not lose these memories!!!"  She tried to fight the memory erasing but it was no use, soon she forgot who Chiko and Lumi were altogether.  She forgot, her name, her personality, everything, and it made her very scared to be in this strange place, with only the two voices she heard outside of the tube.  "Begin phase three"  "-beginning phase three, hypnosis-"  "Hypnosis!" thought the former Shiana.

Lumi Was trying to remember why she could not move her arms or legs.  She also could not figure out why she not remember how she got into a glass tube in the whitest panties and bra.  Maybe it was that she forgot how to move her arms and legs.  She was still trying to figure out how to move when a screen came down in front of her.  She said "Is that I TV?  I think it is but from not remembering anything, I am not for sure."  The screen came to life.  A spiral composing of three diferent colors and distorted in a few spots came into vision on the screen.  The screen ajusted itself and raised up to her eye level.  The screen did not so much draw her in as it did simply take hold of her mind and lock it in the back of her head where she could not use it.  This was not imideate however and Lumi wanted to look away so she tried to close her eyes.  Then, a stange kind of helmet came down.  It seemed to shape itself to Lumi's head.  Lumi then felt her brain being triggered to not want to look away.  The headphones that were attached to the helmet acctivated a beam that signaled the nanos that were attached to her brain to tell her to keep looking at the screen.  "Keep, staring" She said to herself in a monotone "I must stare at the spiral.  I must watch the spiral, I must not look away, I will listen to whatever the spiral says."  That is when the spiral succeded in it's first job of locking her mind away where she would never gain acces to it.  Then, the spiral started it's second job.  It started to flash messages on the screen.  They were messages such as "Obey, you are a slave, you will do as you are told" etc.  With every few flashes of a message, the spiral and the nanos would take the message and put in her mind where her old mind had been.  She repeated all of these massages when they were in her mind.  "I will obey, I am a slave, I will do as I am told, I will obey the Master"

The hypnotist that had knocked out the three Pokemon girls had succeded in hypnotizing them succesfully.  Their screen read 97% complete.  They were almost finished.  In just a very short while, they would have three new slaves.  He knew that this would work, but he was not done with the hypnosis, no, he would use it again, when, who, he only had vauge ideas of these details but they knew that all of that would be resolved soon enough.  For now, all that mattered were the slaves that had just stepped out of the tubes.  The slaves said in a unison monotone "Master, we are ready to obey your commands, we hear and obey, please command us master."  The hypnotist baconed them over and looked them over, yes, this was very nice, perhaps he would use these slaves to fetch more slaves, or perhaps the hypnotist would simply have the pleasure of doing it themselves again.  She looked at the girls in from of them, wondering "Where to start, where, to, start?"

Hypnotized Poke-familyWhere stories live. Discover now