Chapter 36

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After sleeping on it, I was more convinced than ever that everything had changed with the website and Ava's revelation. And the more I thought about Kirsten's advice the more empowered I felt. Even before launching, we had done everything we could for the label and the pieces were coming together. A new fear had entered my mind: what if we were successful? Did I want to have a fashion empire completely alone, especially when there was someone nearby who could make everything seem better?

Now I had a plan.

I worked up what I was going to say. Practiced it. But it didn't matter if I was just saying it to myself.

So next I tried texting.

Hi. Are you around?

Lamest text ever.

After the first hour I stopped waiting for a reply. After the first day, my fear of not knowing what to say when he texted back was overcome by a sadness thinking he just wouldn't text back.

The next day Ava tried him. "He's not responding to me either." She offered. It was part comfort, part apology.

"Tell you what. Let's spend the rest of spring break at my parents'." I knew she meant on the off chance Dylan would stop by.

I gratefully agreed.

When we entered the house, Christine greeted us. "Hi girls. This is a nice surprise."

Ava didn't waste time. "Mom, is Dylan here?"

Christine looked between me and Ava for a moment. "No, honey. He'd been waitlisted for an Engineers Without Borders trip over spring break. It came through last minute. He'll be back Sunday night. I'm surprised he didn't tell you."

Wasn't a huge mystery as to why he hadn't.

"I'm going to go take my bag to my room. You coming?" Ava asked me.

"Actually, Lex, can you help me with something in the kitchen first?" Christine asked. I shrugged, nodded.

I followed her to where she was putting the finishing touches on a quiche. "Put some tea on?" she asked. I complied, moving easily around the familiar space.

Christine didn't look up from where she was adding cheese to the top of her creation. "I know it's not my place, but I heard about you and Dylan. At least, I heard there was a falling out." I tried to keep moving but inside I was frozen, hanging on her words. How had she known?

"I'm sorry it didn't work out. We adore you, and you would've been wonderful for him. You're already practically a daughter to us, Lex. I hope you know that."

I swallowed. "Thanks, Mrs. C." Something in me swelled up to hear that she felt that way. "He was actually pretty good for me too."

* * *

Three weeks had passed since our visit to the Camerons'. Still nothing from Dylan. It was possible he was still mad at me. Or maybe he just didn't care.

Somehow it was end of April already. The semester had flown by and finals were almost upon us.

Jane and I consumed record amounts of banana bread at Bart's and other fuel we smuggled into the library as we grilled each other on course material. I kept volunteering to do the Bart's runs, secretly hoping I'd run into Dylan there, but no such luck.

The one shining spot was Travesty. Things were clicking into place. We now had ten LA boutiques committed to carrying the items Ava had produced for the next season. The pieces were already manufactured, and Ava and I were going to be delivering them personally to the stores starting next week.

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