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Alison was standing outside the doorway while Jisung and Chenle were on the other side glowering at her suspiciously. Alison's hair was clean and she had a changed pair of clothes. Jisung guessed she went home and washed up before she came to the apartment.

"Why is Chenle here?" Alison asked innocently and Chenle's jaw dropped. Was she freaking serious?

"Why wouldn't I be in my own home?" The oldest questioned while holding in his coughs, "In fact, why are you even here?"

"I..um...Jisung.." The girl looked down trying to mumble inaudible but failed as Chenle heard the very familiar name.

"What about Jisung? Huh?" Chenle felt irritated. He just wanted to slam the door in her face, but Jisungs's voice broke his trance.

"How did you know where I am?" The young blond spoke and Alison told him to check his pockets and he did. He pulled his hands out and found a small black cube. Jisung's eyes widened. "Is this a GPS?"

"Yes...and I'll everything..." Alison sighed, "I'll start from the beginning. It might take a while so can I come in?"

Jisung nudged Chenle and the boy groaned while coughing. "Fine, but you have to explain everything" Alison hastily nodded.


"I liked Jisung for a long time and still do. When we saw each other during summer break at the convenience store, he was holding hands with you and I was completely shocked to find out he was gay. I thought my chances with him again were gone. But I wasn't going to give up. He broke up with me in 2 weeks after we started dating, how long could he possibly last with you, a guy?" Alison took a deep breath. They were currently in the living room and she was sitting on a couch across Chenle and Jisung who were on a different one together. Jisung kind of knew about this part and cared nothing of it, unlike Chenle, whose head was filled with more harsh words and questions to tell but he let the girl continue speaking.

"My uncle is the principal at our former school. I asked him what classes Jisung was going to be put into this year so we could take the same classes and spend more time together, but he told me Jisung was moving schools and the only way closer to be with him is if I moved too. I was heartbroken when I came here knowing you two were still together. As you know I made multiple attempts to get Jisung's attention." Alison apologetically looked at the couple.

"You guys are going to hate me so much once I say this, but I bought that GPS a while ago and held on to it so I could put it on Jisung when I had the perfect moment. Chenle, you weren't here today so I thought it was my chance. I clung on to Jisung's arm and slipped it in his pocket. I-I was going to use it to find his house, come at night, make him drunk and have unprotected s-sex with me because if we did that, he would have no choice but to be with me." Now Alison was crying as she fiddled with her fingers. Jisung intertwined his hands with Chenle who looked like he was about to cry.

"B-but, today at lunch Jisung tripped and dropped his food on me. I went home right after, too embarrassed to see anyone. I took my time and realized I can't do anything to separate you two. You guys must really love each other. So as I was saying, I remembered I put the GPS in Jisung's pocket. I was going to apologize to Jisung and tell him I won't bother you guys anymore. I tracked him down and it led me to this apartment, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised he's here with you. That's the end of it. I won't talk to you guys anymore. Im going to ask my parents to move schools again. Im very sorry, please forgive me." Alison wiped away her tears and looked at the two for their responses.

"I would forgive you, I really would, Alison. Only if I knew you weren't going to have sex with Jisung!" Chenle, stood up from his seat, releasing his hand from his boyfriend's. "You were going to use my boyfriend and his body?! You know how wrong that is?" 

"But I didn't Chenle, and I'm sorry!" Alison pleaded.

"Just go." Jisung spoke making the two look at him. "Alison please leave." The girl did what told after apologizing one more time. 

It was quiet, with only Chenle's small sobs filling the room."Hey, come here" Jisung gave a soft smile and held Chenle by the waist, pulling him down to his lap. "Stop crying."

"How can you tell me not to cry? What if you didn't drop food on her today..." Chenle stopped crying for a second. "Y-you, tonight...you would have done it with her-" The boy started bawling again.

"I would never even touch her, okay?" Jisung shushed the crying boy. "I've told you hundreds of times my Chenle, the only person I love is you." He moved his hands to Chenles face and caressed it. Even if the boy's hair was messy, had puffy red eyes and cheeks that matched, he was the most beautiful human to Jisung. And he will feel forever grateful to have a boy like Chenle to call his.

"I love you too" The older connected his lips to the younger's. The kiss might have been wet and messy, but they didn't care. All that mattered was them. But soon their lips parted when Chenle had to cough which earned him a laugh from Jisung.


I hate Alison so much, like our poor babies. Yeah even if I made up Alison. And everything happened bc of me. HAHHAHAH

Sorry for grammar mistakes, I kind of rushed this, so I could update you guys ;"D

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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