Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Gianna

Chapter 2

                “Why do you look so tired?” Mariah asked, pushing an askew piece of hair from in front of my face. I groaned loudly, so that she would get the hint. She got this twisted look on her face before saying, “I don’t know who pissed in your cheerio’s this morning but don’t take your anger out on me. Besides, you loom atrocious today. You’re in sweatpants and a sweatshirt and you have a bun in your hair. Also, I thought I told you to wear a little foundation and mascara every day? Come on Krist…” I cut her off by slamming my locker shut. “Don’t worry about me, worry about yourself Mariah, okay? I’m gonna go now, see you later.” She made an hmph’ noise before walking down the opposite direction from me. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

                “Hey Kris,” someone side, before engulfing me into a hug from behind. I ripped myself out of their grasp and turned around to see it was Fletcher. “Hey Fletch, I had fun last night. Thanks for having me.” I said before walking towards my science class, of which Fletcher and I both have together. “No problem. Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come see a wrestling match with me next weekend. If you’re busy it’s totally understandable, it’s just that me and the guys are going and thought that you may have wanted to come.” I laughed at how nervous he was getting, “Of course I’ll come. Promise me none of the guys will think that I’m their date or something. How gross.” I pretended to gag after I said this. He smiled with a small blush tinting his cheeks.

                The bell rang just as Fletcher and I reached the door. I groaned in frustration as I swung the door open and marched in, Fletch by my side. “Ms. Parker, Mr. Waters, you’re both late. Take a seat.” Mr. Richardson had a rude expression upon his face. I nodded and then turned my back to walk to my seat and flicked him off, secretly. Fletcher saw and chuckled, making me laugh. Our little laughing session ended abruptly when Peyton, the most annoying jock at the school, thought it would be a good time open his mouth, “Oh, were you two hooking up, is that why you were late?” He smirked when a couple of his friends began to laugh, as if he were actually funny. I was about to retort, but I was cut off. “Why would Fletcher hook up with her? If it even is a she. I mean, look at the way she dresses and the way she looks. Why would he want her?” The school slut, Kaylee, said. This caused Peyton and his goons to laugh obnoxiously along with Kaylee. “Piss off, losers.” I muttered, looking back at Fletcher. Fletcher looked as if he were fuming. He looked as if he were about to grab Peyton and Kaylee’s heads and smash them together like the Incredible Hulk would. I shook my head to let him know that it was completely okay and that he had nothing to worry about.

                I sulked into my seat and listened to the boring lecture, feeling as if time had stopped and would never play, leaving us here to listen for eternity. As soon as the bell rang, I whipped myself out of my seat and I darted straight for the door, then headed to the library. I saw Clayton at a table, clicking away on his phone. I moved swiftly, so that he wouldn’t see me and I stood behind his seat. He was texting Mariah; why am I not surprised? I slowly lowered my hands to his shoulder, and when I finally set them on his shoulder, I whispered ‘Boo’ in his ear. “I saw you, Kris.” He said, chuckling. I could feel his shoulder and his chest vibrating in the palm of my hands. I groaned and sat beside him. “I thought I really got you this time. I felt like an absolute ninja.” I mumbled, trying not to be so loud, considering we were in the library. “Next time you may want to try going around the bookshelves, then behind me. Oh, and try not to breathe so heavily. Even if I hadn’t known it was you, I still knew someone was behind me. You breathe like a suffocating animal.” He insisted. I fake-laughed, “Ha-ha, real funny. You should take up being a comedian Clay. You really are one funny guy! I think people would pay to come see you tell some jokes! Not,” I smirked, and got up from my seat, exiting the library.


“Hey sweetie, how was school?” My mother asked. I inhaled the air, it smelled of my favorite food, steak with a side of salmon and lemon seasoning. That’s strange. “Why is Betty making my favorite food?” I asked, an eyebrow raised. My mom realized I was catching onto her schemes, “Oh, nothing.” She said, shuffling into the kitchen. I followed her, my arms folded against my chest. “Tell me,” I ordered angrily. She sighed, “Okay. Fine, you caught me. Your father isn’t coming home for another two months. His business trip got extended. And it being his business, he needs to be in full attendance at all times.” She explained. I could feel the blood boiling within me. “My 18th birthday is in five weeks. You’ve got to be kidding me.” I was furious. It was as if I was to explode in a few seconds. “I’m sorry honey, I’ll try to make it the best birthday ever but” I cut her off before she could even finish. “Save it, mom. I’ll just hang out with Mariah and the guys. It’s fine.” My mother’s face blanked of emotion but was soon replaced with suspicion. “Kristen, is there something you would like to tell me?” She asked. I shook my head, “No, why?” I responded. “You spend an awful lot of time with those guys and Mariah. I love Mariah dearly, but honey is she… are you…” She couldn’t find the words but I already knew what she was going to ask.

                “No, mom. I’m not a lesbian. Just because I’m single and a little boy-ish…” I tried to speak but she cut me off before I could finish, “A little?” She asked. “Okay, maybe a lot. But still. It doesn’t mean that I’m a lesbian. I just haven’t found anybody yet, okay? I’m going to do my homework and go to bed. Have Betty bring up my food when it’s ready. I do not wish to see or speak to you until tomorrow. Goodnight.” And with that, I stormed upstairs to my room and slammed the door.


                The next morning, I decided to actually pick out a nicer outfit than a pair of sweatpants or basketball shorts to wear to school. I decided on a pair of boyfriend jeans, a size too-big plain gray t-shirt and my timberland boots. I wrapped my light blue plaid shirt around my waist and tied it. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and went into the bathroom to do my makeup. I took my foundation and lightly applied it to my face before putting on my mascara, doing this all just as Mariah had taught me.

                I got into my car and drove to school, parking in my usual parking spot. “Hey Kristen.” Mariah said, approaching me, all the while texting on her stupid iPhone. I mentally groaned and slammed the back of my head into my car. “Hey Riah.” I muttered before locking my car and walking into school. “You look good today, I mean your face and like your outfit, kind of.” She said, looking me up and down. I was the complete opposite of Mariah. She was 5’6” while I was 5’9”. She had long blonde hair, while mine was dark brown with a slight tint of red, not ginger, in the right lighting. She was kind of pale and had bright blue eyes, while I had tan skin with green-ish/blue-ish eyes. She had a really girly build while I was muscular with abs and the whole package. She enjoyed shopping, and taking pictures and absolutely enjoyed doing her hair and makeup. While I on the other hand enjoyed playing video games, playing sports, and sleeping and eating. That’s it. I run track and field and is a cheerleader. Sometimes I wonder how we are even friends when we are complete opposites. “What?” I asked, breaking myself from my thoughts. “Nothing, forget I said anything.” She said, grasping my arm and pulling me along with her into school.


Picture of Kris on the side!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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