You wake up tied with your hands above your head attached to the celling. You are in a dimly lit room with no windows and only 1 door. It seems to be locked. You have also seemed to have lost all of your clothes.
Unknown figure: awake yet
Me:who are you
Unknown figure: you don't know what you have started
Me:who are yours
Sam:I'm James boyfriend/girlfriend and I'm about to make you my new girlfriend
Me:no please
Sam:and if you disobey me well......Sams throws a severed head on to the floor in-front of you.
Sam: well that's what happened to the last person who disobeyed me
Me:okYou feel a great force come up in to your ass. You feel your tight ass rip open with the the force of what feels to be a fist. Suddenly James appears infront of you welding a knife. He starts to cut away at your fingers. You feel you're flesh peeling off with every slash of the knife but that pain is nothing, you feel to your petite ass being pounded furiously. You start to cry in complete pain and agony. Before you know it James has removed 4 fingers and Sam is still pounding you from behind. Suddenly they stop. What ever was in your behind is removed and James slowly starts to slump over. Suddenly his entire head splits in half and you hear a loud scream from Sam. And in the door way of the room you see a figure holding a long blade. As he comes into the light you fill with joy, penguiin, it's penguiin.