Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I don’t think I have ever seen someone so mad before. If I gave out an award for the angriest person ever North and Blake would have a three way tie with Hulk. They were both red in the face. I knew that they would be mad at me for leaving them at the beach, but I didn’t get why they would be this mad. I didn’t understand until I saw the goons storming past me towards the guy. After hearing his sad tale I was about to come apart when I saw the goons try to grab him. I let out a low growl that I didn’t know I was capable of and stepped between the goons and the guy.

At this point I was so fed up with all the action and crap that I yelled, “Stop!!!”

The goons looked just as confused as the guy behind me. They both had the same question splattered across their faces, the goons faces said, ‘Why are you defending him’, and the guy’s face said, ‘Why are you defending me?’

I gave the goons a look that said ‘if-you-take-one-step-in-the-wrong-direction-you’ll-regret-it’.  Then I said while pointing at the guy, North, Blake, and I, “We are going to have a long talk.”

The guys cringed at this knowing without a doubt they were in big trouble.

I looked over to the goons and said, “Ya’ll can go now.” I said with a shoo of my hand.

They looked back at North to see if it was ok and he ever so slightly nodded. Once they had all walked out the door I grabbed two wooden chairs and dragged them to the opposite side of the coffee table that the guy was on. I then grabbed both of their hands and made them sit down.

I then took my seat by the guy and asked the first question on my mind, “What’s your name?” it wasn’t exactly the smartest question out there, but I still didn’t know the answer to it.

The guy looked up at me and whispered, “Matthew.”

I took a good look at him and ended up looking at his eyes. For some reason I felt I could find all the answers there. As I stared for a few more seconds I gasped when I felt my eyes fog up and me being pulled somewhere mentally. I leaned back against the couch limp while seeing pictures dance in front of my eyes.

I saw Matthew and a beautiful woman in a field of flowers and grass. They were smiling at each other when a girl who looked around the age of 15 and a lot like Matthew walked up to them smiling. I saw them all as they walked back to a cottage like home and saw them as they greeted two other people who looked to be about 50ish. I came to the conclusion that they must’ve been Matthew’s parents since they had the same blue grey eyes and dirty blonde hair. The man’s hair was a darker blonde almost a light brown like Matthews while the woman’s hair who must’ve been his mother had very blonde hair that was a lighter shade than even the girl who was Matthews’s sister. The only one I couldn’t place was the woman holding Matthews hand. It took me a second to figure out that that was Matthews’s wife. She had very deep blue eyes with a shade a green mixed in, but unlike the others she had a darker shade of brown than even the dad’s. It was the perfect shade of brown, not too dark, not too light, but somewhere in the middle. The picture changed and I saw all of them in what looked like a jail cell, but worse. Then I saw Asward yelling at Matthew to come and get me, but that I was to not be harmed in anyway. Then I heard and saw something that would be forever engraved into my brain.

Matthew nodded at Asward’s order, and Asward grabbed Matthew’s wife by the hair and said, ‘if there is one scratch on Julianne I will do tenfold to your precious mate, while you watch as your family dies before your eyes in the slowest most painful way I can think of.’ Asward then dropped the woman back to the ground, and dismissed Matthew to go get me.

I was suddenly pulled back to the room of the hut and I saw both North and Blake in front of me screaming my name shaking me and trying everything to get me to wake up. 

When I did wake up I slowly sat up and said to the guys, “Sit back down I need a second to think.”

Both of them sat down instantly complying with the order. I thought about what Matthew had said earlier and what I had just seen. Matthew wasn’t lying about anything, but he didn’t tell me about the threat on his family. I felt so sorry for him and his family, but I made a promise to myself right then and there that I was going to get every single one of them out alive.

I looked over at Matthew who looked a little shaken up to say the least and I said, “I am so sorry. I promise I will get your family out alive.” I said with determination in my voice.

North and Blake were waiting patiently and I told them everything that had happened since I got home leaving out the part when I overheard them talking about me. They just sat there taking it all in. when I got to the part about Matt North growled and Blake jumped to his feet probably to pound poor Matt’s face in.

I quickly jumped up and said, “No.” I said like I was talking to a three year old.

Blake didn’t look happy with me protecting Matt, but if Blake thought he was going to attack him he would have to think again. After I got Blake sitting back down with the help of North I continued to tell them about how matt had told me about his family and then skipped to what happened a couple seconds ago.

I said, “It was like a fog coming over me and then I was mentally pulled somewhere else. I saw pictures flash before my eyes of matt and his family and Asward holding them in a jail cell.” I finished with my voice cracking on the end at the thought of the poor 15 year old girl trapped in there.

North and Blake’s eyes took a softer turn now. They both looked at matt with a sad look that gave me hope. Maybe they would help me rescue Matt’s family.

I then looked at them and said, “I will help Matt get his family back whether it is with or without your help.”

They both looked at me and north said “We will help in any way we can.”

Now that that was out of the way I untied matt’s hands and feet, feeling that it wasn’t necessary anymore.

After I was done I turned back to Blake and north and said, “Ya’ll have a lot of explaining to do.” I said while giving them a stern look.

Both of them looked at the ground before starting to explain everything I had questioned ever since getting here.

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