found what?!

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***this ones for you Pia thanks for all your support!!!!***

Jaden's POV

"Morning sweetheart how did you sleep. Hopefully well cauz yout leaving today" I said and added an evil smirk to the last part.

"Alison come here real quick." I need her to dress Ari.

We're letting het go just like that but Jason ordered a drug that will make you forget everything that happened to you in the last 72 hours.

When my beautiful angel came down to dress Ari I could see she wad frightened of her.

I went upstairs and got the ropes and chains. Justin is out today he will be back at his house at 11 pm and the others later.

When the girls came up Jason came up behind them and started punching her so badly that she pased out.

(skipping car ride)

We drove to an abandoned house it was somewhere inside the forest.

no one will suspect us and none wi find her.

When we got there she was starting to wake up so I shoved Alison the drug and she pushed it slowly with pleasure into Ari's upper left tight.

I literally dragged her out the car by her hair she couldn't talk at all but she could see us. The drug will kick in any minute now.

Alison held her up against a huge tree and I was tying her against the tree with ropes and chains.

I place duck tape on her mouth and kissed her. We left her there to die

Chaz's POV

I was freaking out she just stopped speaking and the line went dead. I have been trying to track her phone for the last 30 minutes but im failing every time. I cant let them hurt my baby.

I gave up and phoned my gang. No one knows I have a gang and I like to keep it that way.

After the phone call I got up and went to our Abandoned house in the forest where we normally meat up.

I was on my way when I saw becca running in front of the car. She stopped and so did I she motioned for me to follow so I did. I parked my car where I normally did and Becca was gone I heard cars comming at least I knew it was my gang.

As i started walking I saw something,  something that broke my heart and at the same time fixed was Ari she was tied to a tree her body looked motionless.

I ran and my gang did the same when she saw me she tried to yell but couldn't. She looked so beaten up. I let a few tears escape as me and my gang untied her.

"You gang member 2 hurry up with those chains" i said while slowly taking of the duck tape

Her eyes widend whem I said 'gang' o my gosh Chaz how stupid could u be telling her that why didn't you call him by his name stupid uggh.

When Jacob (gang member 2) untied her she lunged herself at me she was crying so bad she didn't let me go until I told the guys they could go.

Ari fell to her knees and cried she looked horrible. She looked dead but alive. I picked her up bridal style and took het to my car. Becca was standing there she smiled and ran into the forest.

It was cold outside and Ari only had on her crop top that was torn and full of blood. And her sweatpants weren't even close to be called swetts anymore. She was so bruised.  I stopped the car got out and ran to her side. I took of her shirt leaving het only in her bra and Swetts, I took of my shirt and helped her dress I gave her my hoodie and she gladly accepted it. I pulled out a blanket from under her chair and wrapped her up. I buckled her in and hopped into my seat and j drove home.

I looked at Ari she was sniffing in my sent that was on mh hoodie. I wonder why she didn't stop me whem I took her shirt of. She either trust me alot or she likes me.....or even beter both! ughhh Chaz stop it.

"I looked over at Ari, she had my phone and she was bussy calling someone.  It rang through the speakers of the car. Just then a worried Justin answered.

(phone convo)

a* d-daddy


a*I-im o-ok jjj-ust pl-please calm d-down

j*sorry baby girl I was just so worried

a*I love you daddy im almost home ok


(end of convo)

when I got home Ari snuggled into my chest just like she did when she was little. And she fell asleep while I told Justin everything I know. His phone went of and he checked it his facial expressions changed to mad and hurt. He cried a little and thew his phone across the room on the couch next to me and he stormed off.

I opened the message and saw a video that broke my heart. I was furious who ever did this is gonna pay big time for h...........


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