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Liston.Girl.202: Hey is this George? I wanted to say it was so rude of you to call my friend fat on SocialSwipe. She really is self conscious and that made her worse. I'd just like to talk to you that's all.

Sam_soccer_666: Sorry.. This is Sam i don't know what your talking about.

Liston.Girl.202: Oh.. I'm so so sorry.

Sam_soccer_666: Yeah no worries.. Uh how was your day

Liston.Girl.202: Good. Well, kinda someone named George Bandon said some rude things to one of my close friends.

Sam_Soccer_666: Dang. I'm sorry about that. You have SS?

Liston.Girl.202: I do! Wanna have it?

Sam_soccer_666: Sure i'll give you mine too if you want it.

Liston.Girl.202: Yeah i'll take it!

Sam_Soccer_666: Ok, it's Sam_soccer_666 like my QC user.

Liston.Girl.202: Same here, ttyl?

Sam_soccer_666: Sure see you liston if that's your real name because if it is it's real pretty haha.

Liston.Girl.202: It is. I'll see you Sam.

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